
Bullshit. So Black people are randomly arrested for murders they don't commit, or is it that White people are allowed to murder people and not go to jail?

You're referring to comments written half a year ago.

Thanks for supporting my argument you low-IQ degenerate.

Gotcha, thanks for letting me know.

Ah ok... so this is well-known to be bullshit? Like it's not a commonly held view in the modern day?

Bullshit. The relationship starts to sour when he realizes that she's having the same romantic experiences she has with him, with literally hundreds of other people.

No, there are many others with raging inferiority complexes that would find something like this insulting.

Negroid is a phenotypic classification used in anthropology circles.

Not on a regular basis. Only at the end of the Ancient Egyptian period were they regularly intermingling.

I don't understand this at all... Is it actually true? Many women have penis envy?

Black is about as far away from Egyptian as Japanese is from Samoan.

News channels do not hold more validity than scientific sources - if there are no peer-reviewed articles to support your conclusions then yes, I call bullshit.

People who think that religion is compatible with anything are idiots - therefore, you're probably an idiot.

Your opinion isn't bad, it's retarded. Only a low-IQ intellectually deficted cretin could believe the utter garbage that you just penned.

Bullshit; The BBC is a news channel, and holds as much relevance on this topic as does Ancient Aliens on the History channel.

Says the Jizza-nut who would probably go on a 500-word diatribe if even the slightest bit of sexism came out of my (or any man's) mouth. Sexism works both ways Fugly.

You are disgusting.

what about halting the evolutionary process by taking the guess-work away from natural processes?

That's fine, as long as you are not advocating banning such technologies.

NO, don't abort them... use preimplantation genetic diagnosis to cure them when the technology becomes available (or a form of "eugenics" as people call it).