
Look, PS4 will put the exact same fee-for-used-games policy in place. You're too naïve you can't even see it. That's why EA dropped the Online Pass in the first place.

Concerning connectivity, I'm assuming this is mostly no different from my Steam games. So, I'm used to it.

I can see that now, thank you.

Whoa! You succeeded in comprehending all my points. Congrats.
Now, why you just don't shut the fuck up and continue to read my comments and THEN you can express your lame ass opinion?
And yes, US$2000,00 the launch price. PS3 was R$6000,00 which nowadays translates to US$3000,00.

Right on.

Look Kirk, I'm glad you answered this.
I've enjoyed Kotaku for a very long time (I only recently started commenting). But man, these last couple of days you're just pissing on everything "Xbox One Reveal". It gets boring. And actually, it starts to make you sick. I liked serious articles yopu guys posted in the past. I

Maybe that's what I need to do concerning Kotaku posts. Way to much criticism, pessimism in here these last two days. Jesus. They're always criticizing stuff to the point of anger. PS4 reveal = shit. Xbox One reveal = shit. Looks like a little boy's blog. Maybe I really need to lighten up.

Good tip. The other guy suggested Gamasutra. I guess I'll get to now really good gaming journalism websites now. Thanks, man.

Thanks for the tip. I'll check that out. Nice constructive criticism right there.

See? That's what I'm talking about.

I doubt some times this so called blog does not try to have journalistic stuff in it. Use the search button. You'll find lots of "journalistic articles".

Look, sarcasm is ok. But this dog stuff is troll bullshit. Ridiculous stuff, focusing on the most stupid points I've seen following a console revelation.

Tell me, how is these changes going to ruin the 'Xbox experience'?

Jesus Christ, is this serious media? Is this journalism?! For fucks sake. I'll defect to Wired, Engadget or whatever.

Confirmed! Same size:

I've played Steam games and I know that it can be a bitch. But all I am saying is that this is the future. Not for us consumers, but for the devs, and hardware makers. They want more control over their products being second-handed. If you play Steam, you know what I mean. They want every-single-motherfucking-one-of-us

I feel you, bro. But I truly believe the core experience of the system is pretty well estabilished to the point Microsoft can adventure into other areas of entertainment. I mean, the system runs games. What else can the system do about that? Almost nothing except the cloud storage and the cloud computing. Gaming

I guess people don't take enough care. Simple as that.

Well, I've never had a single problem with my X360 and he's 5 years old now. Not even with the controllers. I had a problem just once, when I dropped it in the table and the disc that was spinning inside (it was turned on) scratched. But the disc was later polished and the console never felt the hit.

Stuff brake, man. How many things that you have lasted forever? You can't hold on to something forever. Also, what about roms to play old games in PC? Dude, as time goes by, you won't give a damn about old videogames. Actualy, it will look so bad you won't be able to stand them. Happened before.

Then, I have to say I admire you. Enough said.

Have you ever heard of warranty? And spare parts? No?
Man, stop fucking whining abou every-motherfucking-thing! You americans pay US$199 for a gaming system today and this is obviously going to happen to the Xbox One not far from now. In my country I pay 5 times that price for the same fucking system and I am not