Man, you people can be as fucking pessimists as pessimism can get! I mean, Jesus! WTF is wrong with you! You're stuck in the past, dammit!
Man, you people can be as fucking pessimists as pessimism can get! I mean, Jesus! WTF is wrong with you! You're stuck in the past, dammit!
It can be really good to the consumer but, some devs really suffer with the second-handed game business. I don't know. In part, I think this may help small devs to make better games, granted they will be fed more money. Blah, whatever. You cry because you games are US$60! I pay R$200,00 for them in Brazil. It's almost…
The media is SO FUCKING STUPID these days.
Look, as always, time will go by and you, media people, will say "whoa, this console is actually pretty good, and it can do this and do that", which by the way, will be the exact same things Microsoft announced today. And sorry, I own a X360, but I'm over being a shortsighted…
They're really really sloppy! I agree with you, mate. Always loved Kotaku, but this design changes (some of them are actually good), are driving me nuts. This articles shit is so distracting.
The most underrated spacecraft EVER! Could be used to land on the moon and to amazingly save some pretty fucked up astronauts (read it: Apollo 13).
It's stupid to think he was laid down because of an unsuccesful product. First of all, Windows 8 is an incredible system that can run in many plataforms with relatively small adaptations. It's quite stable and has great capabilities. People that go ahead and say it's a failure don't understand the system or worst, out…
I'm sorry, pierre.foucart, are we talking about the same phone here? Engadget was absolutely crazed about its camera. The tests show clearly the image quality is astronomic better in Lumia 920 against any phone on the market right now.
Oh my god, you're such pussy Apple fan boy. THREE stars, really? The camera alone is worth the fucking phone! What about the OS, its unique design, its computing power, retina screen... this phone has everything iPhone 5 has and more! Dude, get your shit together and open your eyes. That's the second straight time I…
Dude, you scare the crap out of me! I'm from São Paulo, just like you and I got to say that I feel terribly sorry that you assume we brazillians fucked up Facebook, MMOs... There are INDEED some uneducated portion of the population that has been granted internet access and started to mess things around but I'm sorry…