Being pecked to death by a chicken

*hanging head in shame* I actually really like Outsourced. Do people dislike it so because they simply don't find it funny, or that they find it offensive and insulting?

Don't you get it?! Dangerous surgery is no longer necessary thanks to the magic of The Pole!You could prob get it in fun colors and maybe take a bedazzler to it for fancy occasions. You could quit your job and make Pole Parties at Home your new career. You could do the designing and decorating of them yourself and

True. Furthermore, I'm thinking that any "asian friends" she does have won't be quite so friendly to her after they see this pos, not-racist video.

"being emotionally uptight and holding grudges like no other"

Oh come on now. I can handle the hatred of turkey, it's usually dry as sawdust. Green beans are despised by many. But... you hate stuffing?!!! Are you sure? Maybe you've never had fabulous stuffing? Because, I just can't get behind stuffing hatred. ;)

I also have dealt with this for many, many years. I do have fibromyalgia, but my Dr. has just ordered me a sleep study. I'll let you know how it turns out in a few weeks.

Sadie, I'm so sorry. As a sufferer of Fibromyalgia, I totally understand how it feels to have a life-changing illness that many people believe doesn't exist. My thoughts and (((good vibes))), prayers, what-have-you, are with you.

Agreed. And also a cook.

I so enjoy and adore her. SUCH a kick-ass step up from that milquetoast Laura Bush.

Jesus. Of all the extreme oversharing on Jez, THIS is the subject you find just too distasteful to put out in the open? If I could help someone who doesn't want children understand that a miraculous transformation may not occur whilst looking into your new baby's eyes, then I would be quite proud in my "oversharing".

I KNOW! I just wanted to wrap him up in a big bear hug. It really seemed that he'd done a hell of a lot of hard work on himself.

I'm confused. Why is the woman to whom he sent a dick-pic to a bitch?

Exactly. "No real reason"? Hmmm, how about I'm not in the mood. That's not a "real" reason? I think it is.

Thank God SOMEONE understands the implications of this crazyness. Now, GO! Spread the word! There's not much time left!

THIS! For the love of all things holy, don't encourage her! AND, Christ on a cracker, doesn't it EVER FUCKING OCCUR TO HER to just STFU?!!!11eleventy!?!!???!? Seriously, does she really think anyone on earth has an ounce of sympathy for her? She can't walk a red carpet?! Really?! REALLY?!

That dress selling out very much concerns me. Although she wore it fairly well, it did nothing to flatter her bust and so much white was simply not fabulous on her, imho. I just don't see that dress looking great on very much of the gen. population. Then again, I won't be purchasing said item, so it just doesn't

I'm nominating myself for the idiot of the day award. For some odd reason I took your comment as being anti-choice . Sorry for the semi-bitchy post and thank you for explaining your issues with the photo. Thank God I deleted the super bitchy paragraph I wrote about this issue being "highly problematic". I swear,

I'm not understanding your point, this article is about 2nd trimester abortions.

Actually, I'd be interested in her supporting arguments for these descriptions, although I find "rat-like" and "I hate your kid" to be a little below the belt. I hope she's able to temper her feelings for her "challenging" students when dealing with them. It quite difficult as a parent to know exactly how your

Thought the same thing, Especially since she's 19. I would be so sickeningly stressed that I would also be worried about how my stress level was affecting the fetus.