
Set up multiple layers of Switches. Say, one that runs once a week, and another that runs once a month. If the Monthly Switch gets missed, then it alerts everyone that you’re prolly dead. If the Weekly one gets missed, the trigger message goes out to your closest friend / relative, with an explanation that you may be

A huge majority of women in these red states support these laws and policies.

None of us can even begin to image the trauma and horror of having no options other than getting your 17 year old daughter enough abortion pills to miscarry a 29 week old fetus. That’s well past the point of viability in every state, including California.

Women en masse really need to do everything they can to get the laws changed by using their voice and the vote

If they voted in large enough numbers, they could turn those states blue.  40 percent of potential voters don’t bother with voting at all.

Women en masse really need to do everything they can to get the hell out of red states.

So we are talking about a pregnancy which likely would have been terminated earlier if the state wasn’t so hostile to women’s healthcare and personhood.  

Its tragic because abortion bans are a fucking atrocity to rule of law.

The other problem with gossip is that, even if the person you are talking about doesn’t overhear, the other people who do hear you are liable to wonder what you are saying about them when they are not there to hear it.

When your background or experiences are not relevant” isn’t just for men.

#4, without a doubt. The absence of this is why so many fucking talking heads on TV and every celebrity or past-their-prime celebrity gets their names played all over the Internet when they say some stupid shit they have no business weighing in on. For example: who gives a fuck what Alice Cooper thinks about trans

Pro-life came around because people would stand outside abortion clinics with “pictures” of “aborted babies.” They re-branded with, “Life: what a beautiful choice.” It was very effective, until pregnant people kept dying because of lack of access to abortion.

The fact they think it’s the WORDS that are making them look bad instead of the actual positions they take is fucking hilarious.

“Pro-Life”, you say? So, how many have you adopted so far?

Might watch it. I agree that movies need MORE DICKS!! People have become such prudes about nudity in general in recent years. Normalize naked bodies of all types, people!

I agree with half of this :)

Two words. Water chestnuts. Thank you.

Exactly. Even their “easiest” method above is way more complex than it needs to be. New bar, meet old sliver. If you want a super strong bond, scratch the mating surfaces with a scrub brush or anything else you have handy in the shower that abrades. If you’ve ever done pottery, you know how much this strengthens the

This article was worth reading just for the entertainment value. :D Well done.

This! But unlike the header photo, I mash the old sliver into the inside curve of the new bar. It breaks up and seems to meld with the new bar more easily.