
Complain all you want, but he’s just fulfilling his mandate. We all remember the crowds at Trump rallies chanting “Tax cuts for real estate developers and hedge funds!” If you’d get out of your snowflake liberal coastal bubble for a second you’d realize that real America wants to solve the plight of wealthy heirs

The history of state execution in most civilized countries has been to stop doing it.

They tell you it’s more humane and all, but I think it’s just about the clean up. Nobody wants to do the clean up after death by firing squad. If I ever have to make a choice though, I’ll take a bullet to the head any day over people injecting me stuff they’re not even sure if it’ll do the job right.

WWJD? I doubt this.

I don’t think I’ll ever understand the desire to support a religion that actively hates you. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.

From TNR:

I always think this on death penalty articles and I think it’s applicable here. Limits on the ways that we punish “bad” guys are not for the sake of the bad guys. They are for the sake of the people doling out the punishment.

The code of hammurabi had a bit about builders being put to death if one of their buildings collapsed and killed someone and a bit about boat builders having to redo shoddy workmanship. The GOP would never stand for that kind of job killing regulation.

Every time I see the word ‘president’ in front of ‘t***p’ I have a flash where I think, “ha, what a joke” but then it isn’t.

The reason no one mentions the dead man’s crimes is that they are irrelevant to the way he was treated while in custody. 

Look I love The Wire, but the second season was meh, and the fifth was basically self parody. Breaking Bad was consistently great, and got better as it went along, which almost never happens.

Look I love The Wire, but the second season was meh, and the fifth was basically self parody. Breaking Bad was

Stephen Colbert genuinely did this - played a character who held views different from his own, under his name, in a performance art way. But the line between real person and character could be found in out of character interviews, in winking aspects of the show, in it’s clearly delineated beginning and end times, his

This is such sweet relief to the parents of Newtown. It was an act!

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them.” —Maya Angelou

Couldn’t any gangbanger make the same claim? “The murderous, terrifying persona I use on the streets is all an act, it couldn’t be further from my true nature or my personality. I am a loving teddybear on my own time, but my day job representing MS-13 is performance art, and ‘Trigger Mike’ is just a character I play.”

I disagree respectfully.

It’s nice to know that even cultured Europeans who go to art museums can’t think of anything more creative than scratching their initials in things like an NYC subway vandal.

I gave up on religion a long time ago, but now I’m considering becoming a practicing Jew just so I’ll get executed quickly when America becomes Gilead.