Meanwhile Chad and Becka are making six figures on the west coast, “legally,” through their dispensaries.
Meanwhile Chad and Becka are making six figures on the west coast, “legally,” through their dispensaries.
A tiny bit of pot and a few traffic violations (driving with suspended being the most serious). In a sane world, this would result in a person being questioned discreetly on the side of the road, then perhaps fined with a few tickets. Instead, he’s dragged into the street, beaten, and incarcerated (and will also pay…
It’s so weird to me how cops just started doing stuff like this since cell phones with video cameras became so common place. You’d think they would have been up to these same shenanigans before, but the outcomes of so many internal investigations into such reports made it clear that witnesses and alleged victims were…
A realist is a person who sees the glass as half empty of air.
... and we have violations. The best violations, let me tell you. You won’t believe how much you’re gonna love our violations....
It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon. Stephens said that he got the gun from a friend who got it from someone else. Investigators are looking into finding out who originally had the gun and passed it to the friend, the news station notes.
Most negative people I know don’t see themselves as being negative. They believe themselves as realist or something of the sort. So I think the first step should be recognition. Without it, they don’t believe this is a problem.
Gay marriage has been banned in NC for several years.
In 2013, he sued Apple for selling him a computer (presumably the same Macbook he attempted to marry) without pre-installed pornography filters, which he claims led to an addiction and the dissolution of his marriage to an actual woman. The complaint stated, “The Plaintiff began desiring, younger more beautiful girls…
Wow. It would be so much easier just to admit you’re gay, suck a cock, get over yourself and finally enjoy life.
But still no DVD Maker? Boooo!
Sorry if I’m not all that impressed by a “woke” christian male making an argument that feminists have already made ad nauseum. Is it great that he’s providing access? Hell, yeah. But I’m not wrong to point out that this approach isn’t anything new and that women’s rights are still under assault.
My point is that framing abortion in terms of “morality” doesn’t work any better than framing it in terms of facts or logic (unless, apparently, you’re a christian man?). The anti-abortion crowd is totally invested in a fantasy, and nothing but a hard dose of reality will change that (and in many cases, even that…
Were that to be entirely true, does that change the fact that PP does a LOT of good today (and very little of that is abortions to be main with)?
Absolutely. Now here is someone who legit understands what ‘Christian principles’ are really supposed to be about- compassion! Empathy!
She got fired for this and people here are outraged on her behalf.
The death penalty is pointless Judicial theater and I’m ashamed that our country still uses it.
I’m glad she didn’t choose the white, target cashier doll.
This reminds me of that time when the cashier asked if my Optimus Prime was for a friend and that I may want a GI Joe because he looked more like me and I responded to her that I’m a grown-ass 30 year-old man and can buy whatever toys for myself I want so shut the hell up and stay in your lane, Debrah!