
I’ve long been saying that the legislators do not need to keep passing laws, so much as we need the laws we currently have, enforced by cops & prosecutors. There are few things that people can do that should be illegal that aren’t already in some way violating some law.

Anyone else annoyed that the thing is in the case the wrong way ‘round?

Will there be a bell? A subtle ding to alert when the sample is to be dispensed?

you can search LEGO.com for instructions... I do not know if they only have current sets available or not... probably a bit hit or miss, I’d suspect.

Yeah, great. Space herpes...

mine has been since sometime monday

“...Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti claimed that the new provision would only affect a few dozen cases per year.

Could they not preface those claims with sort of disclaimer? “Your state, Texas, requires us to inflict the following BS statement on you:

Don’t forget the US base in Greenland...

There is a difference between someone being a nuisance & someone being a danger to themselves or others. I was riding w friends in NW on Saturday before the parade. We were assaulted by a homeless person. We discussed if we wanted to or should call the police. He is in custody facing some charges that should keep him

“Oh, no. We never intended that law to be enforced that way.” Said the legislator, having been warned that, sooner than later, it would be. After seeing an overzealous prosecutor enforced it in exactly that way.

I’ve been saying for years that insurance is a waste of money, until you need it, & then they’ll weasel their way out of paying any way they can (-not to denigrate weasels in any way, of course).

I inadvertently browned the butter one time... tasted like I’d put some caramel in them... mmmmmmm

Living one’s life involves a level of risk... And humans are notoriously bad at assessing risk. 30,000 to 40,000 people die in the US in car crashes EVERY year, yet people are afraid to fly... ??

yeah, that was the first time I remember a company being sold lock, stock, & barrel to a liquidator first thing. Then the prices went up so they could, gradually, “reduce” them. by the time any of the stuff really was a “good deal” there was only cheap, garbage left no one wanted anyway.

? yes, casters made from “rollerblade” wheels.

I have, like, eight(?) of the Metro shelving units...ALL of them have casters (except the oldest that wouldn’t fit under the cupboard in the kitchen with them still on... (grrrr)) & 3 of the large IKEA Alex drawer units. I swapped to rollerblade wheels for my Aeron chair ... OMG move so much easier & quiter!

You mean, like it is now?

NO. Someone removed his ability to be a (likely abusive, from the looks of things) father to one specific possibility of a “child”. With that particular (soon-to-be & now) EX wife.

You are not suggesting that this is not the plan, are you?