That is why this child needs to be in a secure (mental health?) facility receiving whatever sort of treatment. UNTIL it can be demonstrated that he is no longer a threat to anyone.
That is why this child needs to be in a secure (mental health?) facility receiving whatever sort of treatment. UNTIL it can be demonstrated that he is no longer a threat to anyone.
I would imagine the court in NYC would first have to issue an arrest warrant for failure to appear at his arraignment...& that then sent to the Marshalls’ office... ?
One cannot but wonder exactly how involved this “man” intends to be in the lives of the children he already has....
I found the best way to save money at the laundry mat (7 or 8 blocks up the street) was to buy my own washer & dryer for my place. I was spending 10monies every two weeks there & I got tired of loosing socks or whatever.
Even with friends. Got to the point that the three of us going out for coffee & shoppin’ on a Saturday would occasionally have to look at one & say “Pot”. (As in pot calling the kettle black.)
No you shouldn’t be. The world is not (& will not ever be) safe for 10-year-olds. The sooner we stop coddling these *%^#s the better. Ugh.
When I moved in to the duplex, we were mowing the grass (front did the front & I mowed the back yard), but when the owner sold it the new guy started ymmv on that one? Otherwise why would any appliances that came with the place not be the owners responsibility?
I’ve taken to mixing the heavy cream (if I have some), half-n-half, or some sour cream into the eggs before they go in the pan... mmmm
IDK They’ve been pretty offensive so far...
It is stuff like this & the FL governor’s schtick, that makes me really, really support a strong federal government vs the strong state governments. We are a UNITED STATES, not a loose association of nearby jurisdictions. And “Community Standards” is such a BS idea. I guess that those areas with retrograde/regressive…
I think realizing how “styles” work is a major epiphany for anyone no matter the program they use... Except Excel, still haven’t completely quite figured the point in that one.
Big moisturizer would have us believe so... and the more you spend on it, the “better” it is at doing whatever it allegedly does do...
It seems that DAs really like to laundry list the charges against a person in the hopes that one will stick... (just look at recent news worthy cases. where there are 3 dead but facing 20 charges kinda thing.)
No. It was a horrible, majorly dystopian nightmare. (which I say as someone in the architectural field.)
I’ve always wanted to try the (relatively) sparsely furnished room/home.. I’ve just never had the money to get a place big enough...
Not a gun owner... So, I feel compelled to ask: Which parts should be concerning?
Aren’t they supposed to hold the position? Which seems a bit of a burden to the employer, they have work that needs doing, so someone would have to fill-in.
I still think all anyone had to do was listen to him for 5 minutes 25 years ago to know he was nothing but a 2 bit conman.