
I don’t think so. One can drink too much, very slowly, if one were so inclined.

I really, really have a hard time picking my favorite character on that show.

I hate every site that insists on repositioning itself for any reason. ! I have gotten to a point on your page I want to be. STOP MOVING, I did not give you permission. ! Oh wait nvm, close.

Well, this theoretical she, might (likely) not have health insurance, so no check ups while/before she gives it away...Or she might not want to, I mean, she plans on giving it away & it’s (potential) future health issues won’t be her problem. Or maybe she’s just to wrapped up in her other issues to deal with that

Exactly. There are plenty of children just waiting in foster care who’ve either been taken from abusive parents or from parents who’ve passed for some reason & there was no relative available to take them in. But not many want those ones... as if they’re past their expire date.

Of course it causes more complications than solutions it might provide. That’s a feature not a bug. Encourage the woman to stay pregnant; encourage the woman to have & keep the kid; encourage the woman to stay with the man; encourage marriage between. You know wholesome, American-style, family values.

Yup, make your child(ren) dependent on you for everything and they will never (be able to) leave you. And the narcissist will never care or think of what they will do when the parent dies. ‘Cause the narcissist never really considered the child(ren) as real, valid entities, with their own inherent value.

Similarly to the word “faggot?” Per definition a bundle of small sticks/twigs used as kindling to start a fire. And yet....

That’s one reason I use “you (royal you, mind) couldin places where I don’t actually want to offend the idiot I might be talking to, instead of a more formal one could”...

Consider pre-treatment kind of like a vaccine?

I replaced them (double studio, so one in each room) with ceiling fans. & swapped back when I moved out.

counterpoint : Do you hate your family serving these things? Your mother sounds the only smart one of the bunch.

macaroni & cheese

i brought a ham to last christmas... OMG sooooo good, much better than the (inevitably, always, no matter who cookes it) dry turkey.


In any case, it isn’t so much about why some “tradition” was created, it is, however, important to know what caused them to happen & catch on. AND to understand it it is still relevant. Kinda like the whole “no meat on friday” thing, which isn’t really a thing anymore.

I think you mean “...something something bootstraps something something...

Just so long as they go w OR & WA too.. & maybe NV.

I think you meant “...something something bootstraps something...

We had a new hire who would ask a question about how to do something.. & then she’d ask it again & again. All without even a pause to take a breath, it seemed. One just couldn’t get a break to answer.