
I suppose one could always leave a nice note inside questioning the legitimacy of the person’s parental lineage...

That’s great & all.... but with a minimum order of 5,000? @ 176.80/1,000??

Sounds more like an April 1st kinda thing...

Exactly, there will, likely, be far more important battles to be waged when she’s older. And that you didn’t turn every trivial meal in to one, might just show how important the issue is when you do.

Good kid you got there... she’ll be fun later.

Or is it the other way round?

As I’ve said before:

Almost makes on wonder what her view on Loving v. Virginia would be? I mean, one would imagine that someone with such regressive views would certainly be opposed to miscegenation as well. Providing such a cu*t were to comment on such a thing, of course.

It’s interesting that they automatically assume that anyone who’d support BLM is obviously anti-cop...

Yeah... if your response to a protest, explicitly against police brutality, as a police officer is to up your level of brutality. There is something majorly fucked up with the ideology of the people in such organization, and the organization itself, from top to bottom.

Ford pardoned Nixon without Nixon being indited, much less actually convicted of anything....

You’re thinking way, way too recent... They want the Dark Ages to return. When the Church was THE final authority on ALL issues. If you weren’t a straight, white male with money or connections, you were nothing, and treated accordingly.

We really need to stop calling them “conservative”. They don’t want to conserve anything. To conserve is to keep things as they currently are.

Oh yeah !

The really important question is: “If they install it for free without asking my permission, does that mean I can use the program(s) without paying them?” ...

...voter suppression scheme of requiring allowing only one ballot box per county...

... and if you aren’t there, your dinner will still be sitting there when you get around to it... cold.

Some people believe that respect is a one-way street up.

...you are there to raise a competent, caring, self-aware adult who realizes that the there are actually billions of other people in the world, which DOES, IN FACT, NOT REVOLVE AROUND THEM.

Just remember: if/as a US citizen home rules might apply even when not in the actual USofA proper. “extraterritorial jurisdiction”