A bumper sticker I saw a few years ago: “Just because you have one, doesn’t mean you need to be one.”
A bumper sticker I saw a few years ago: “Just because you have one, doesn’t mean you need to be one.”
House rules governing their behavior is a good idea...but what if the house they are visiting have rules that are more lenient than the one’s at home?
Also, is it just me or does Keith seem to have longer hair & more of a beard as the show progresses?
Exactly. ! Too many people want to believe that whatever the tech is, it’s just perfect the way it was designed, solve the problem it’s supposed to, and can’t ever be wrong... Nor would/could those tasked with monitoring said tech ever use it in a nefarious manner in any way, ever.
What I fail to understand is how any sort of law enforcement official, at any level, from beat-cop tasked with enforcing the “laws”, to DAs prosecuting “offenders”, to judges, and to legislators passing the “laws”, can possibly believe, with any level of credibility, that the official response to protests against…
Exactly...Have people respond who have actually had training for the type of emergency called in. You wouldn’t want the fireman to come try to solve your murder, or the cop to put out your house fire... SO why are cops the best ones to respond to someone having a mental health crisis? They clearly don’t have the…
What I fail to understand is how any sort of law enforcement official, at any level, from beat-cop tasked with enforcing the “laws”, to DAs prosecuting “offenders”, to judges, and to legislators passing the “laws”, can possibly believe, with any level of credibility, that the official response to protests against…
Wait, what? Was this ever in doubt?
Does that same respect for life that goes across professions, races and creeds apply to Breonna Taylor?
or drunk ON the “JOB” and crash
That’s the drawback of attempts at censorship. kinda has to become an all or nothing approach. You have to ban every instance of a word & then every instance of the word people start to use in its place & then every instance of the word people start to use in its place, etc.
Except I don’t see any President ever willing giving away any level of power/authority they’ve presumed the right to accumulate.
Aw man, but where’d be the fun in that? .. & by fun I mean profit...
Makes me glad I only play music I OWN... ripped from my CDs & copied to whatever device I want.
Generally, yes... unless everyone involved is into that kind of thing...
All depends on how badly you want/need return clients/word of mouth recommendations...
That wasn’t the point they were making. Basically “If you don’t wear a mask here to be safe. I won’t allow you to go off/back to college, where you will also likely not wear a mask.”
After I did community college, yes. My parents provided very little, if any, financial support for my education at CC or my life at Uni after. My education was mine, you could say.