watching a restart with just one car on the grid was a first for me
It was clear, from the quote, that she wasn’t being serious.
I mean her response, in the article, is terrible and doesn’t address that she was filming complete strangers at the gym for the purpose of mocking their bodies. Never mind the fact that she herself has breast implants and heavily edits her photos. She’s an all-around garbage human being.
I get why Kotaku and others may cover streamers
it seems a bit odd to pick a specific beat that she addressed in a pretty reasonable manner, at least to me.
The “it’s just a joke” defense doesn’t fly for most people anymore, and shouldn’t fly for her either.
This is my problem with most of their streamer coverage. It dedicates far too many words to people who are basically famous for being famous. At best, they serve as modern day Geisha (the real ones, not courtesans), though their tool kits seems more shallow in exchange for higher accessibility.
Yeah, I hate it when Kotaku or any site really gives puff pieces to assholes like this. It really feels like the article just takes her side that it was meant to be a “joke” and just never comes back to that. Because “ironic” bigotry eventually results in actual bigotry.
If you click on the article it’s one of the oldest homes in the US and no, I didn’t mean descendants of Lincoln.
I disagree that conservative perspectives are the ‘norm’ across media, whatever ‘norm’ even means I’m unsure. But apparently it doesn’t matter because only you are allowed to speak on what is conservative and liberal I’m not ‘qualified’. Talk about needing to climb down from your cross...
Thanks. Believe it or not, though I chalk some of it up to my poor choice of words, I am giving a lot of thought to the points you brought up. This has been an opportunity to grow personally and I thank all good-faith contributions that will help me form my future opinions.
The number of people who have painted me as a Donald Trump Republican is astonishing. I’ve literally written 10+ times that I am a liberal, have been all my life. I’ve voted for Democratic or independent candidates in every single election since my 18th birthday. I am now in my 40s.
I know I’m late to the party, but after reading the majority of the wall of replies to your comment, I had to chime in to say thank you.
Says the person willing to write off a gigantic swath of the world’s population in a single sentence. Wow, the cognitive dissonance is real.
Not EVERYTHING is political though, and it’s wrong to pretend that it is. Too many people trying way too hard to be outraged by meaningless shit. Like, for example, the Kimmy Schmidt story or yesterday’s Phil Jackson is racist (just kidding not really but thanks for reading) article. It so often boils down to…
I’ve not ‘fought’ with anyone. Do you have an actual point, or?
I say in multiple comments that I have voted liberal since turning 18 and I am now in my 40s. I am not a conservative. But I am not a ‘woke’ progressive either. There are many like me. Kotaku for the most part pretends we don’t exist.
Please show me examples of retrograde(?)/racist/homophobic views from other video game blogs? I support none of those views and if you’d bother to read my comments rather than just lash out at what you perceive to be an enemy, the ‘other’, you’d realize that.
I think the number of replies to this comment if nothing else lends credence to the idea that people do come to Kotaku for discussion and debate. I appreciate (almost) everyone’s input and will do some honest introspection based on others’ feedback.