The exact counterpart for Germany and Europe would be Siemens that is over 170 year old 85 billion annual revenue company that does everything from nuclear plants, trains, factory automation, power and gas and whatnot.
The exact counterpart for Germany and Europe would be Siemens that is over 170 year old 85 billion annual revenue company that does everything from nuclear plants, trains, factory automation, power and gas and whatnot.
Must be. Around here in the Nordics 3 series was 72% wagons in 2017. I would imagine A4 and C class have even higher share in here, especially A4. I’m not even sure when was the last time I’ve seen A4 that wasn’t an avant.
There’s no penalty even outside war at times. Dutch ASML is the sole provider globally of the +50 million photolithography machines (essentially the machines that form the complicated nanometre patterns to silicon wafer) used to make every single high end CPU and SoC on mobile, desktops to servers.
I mean China would be much more important market for the big players there. The big 3 German’s have Western Europe as its by far largest market and China as second one. China has been Ferrari’s main market by far for a decade now.
As a Finn never really heard about any examples of that as these big fines tend to always get media attention over here. The 6 figure speeding ticket cases maybe every 5 years are always brought to the court and the fines are considerably lower after.
Day-fine system isn’t exactly recently introduced. It has been in effect since 1920 in Finland. Also used in Denmark and Sweden.
You might be thinking of “everyman’s rights” in Sweden, Finland and Norway. You can camp, collect mushrooms, berries and trespass private lands. Though, if you camp in a private land longer than a day you need a approval from the owner.
I was very much a driver fan some over 20 years ago, but past 10 years I have been very much a F1 fan most of all. I feel like I’ve got much more out of the sport past 10 years as I pay attention more across the grid. F1 to me at least is the most rewarding sport as you go deeper to the sport. I also quite like to…
There’s very much two realities in Russia. Moscow especially as well as Saint Petersburg, and then the rest.
So happy for him. Remembering the weight that was put to him to carry national team and his teenager years rise to top and how he never managed to fill those shoes ever since Sevilla picked him as 18 year old.
I do think Tomassi has some problems like introducing “need” to use cover. Something I pretty much never used in the game after that fight.
The game is really about just going into the fights Doom like and using your abilities. The first boss fight is bad design because I can see it putting some people into mind of needing cover. To me it was literally the only enemy/boss in the whole game were I actively needed cover.
I used throwing exclusively on all flying enemies through the whole game. It one hit kills all flying enemies.
Such a shame. Kimi delivers in Spa and Alfa seemed to do well there.
If anything they saved Leclerc’s 1st position with Vettel blocking and did well strategy wise.
That actually looks much more classy than what I would have expected stretched 240 to look like.
Not that they couldn’t come up with a excuse, but I think the idea that Nordschleife is legally part of the public road network makes it a bit hard.
And to anybody wondering what did happen to the “other” Timo.
There was a time when Jordan ascended way above just being an American sports star, though these days I doubt much of 30 and younger could name him around the globe compared to somebody like Messi. That’s a lot of people when world’s median age is 27.
It’s another thing to remain neutral on the issues to protect your family, but whole another thing have Erdogan as your best man in your wedding and openly endorse him on election. Let alone doing these things in 2017 when Erdogan at the same time is accusing your current home country being all nazis and there being…