Ah, peak liberal hypocrisy. See, I’m all for many liberal ideas, but some liberals... Damn they make it impossible to want to associate.
Ah, peak liberal hypocrisy. See, I’m all for many liberal ideas, but some liberals... Damn they make it impossible to want to associate.
Another voice of reason here my friend, I would do the same. I played with trucks, my sister played with dolls. My boy plays with trucks, my daughter plays with babydolls. I guess we are in the minority now. Crazy messed up world we live in. I see a 4 year old boy with long flowing hair past his shoulders and…
I’d say it to my son, too.
Show me on the doll where the Alero touched you.
Those pictures remind me of being in middle-school sex ed, and they show you weird pictures of anatomy that are excessively detailed, and you’re kind of aroused, but also confused and a bit frightened.
Of course not. It’s a car.
Assholes had to get greedy and ruin it for the rest of us that have thought about going up there and taking a car or two.
This guy must know a lot of firefighters if he drove Lambos for 40 years.
I find drivers from both NY and MA to be just fine. All you need to do is stay the fuck out of their way. Nothing wrong with driving aggressively.
What is the best case Ontario?
No low ballers. I know what I have here.
Every. Fucking. Body.
Went to read the comments on this Chiron article and found myself reading about the trophy truck article below. Anyone else hate this new setup?
I thought Mustangs already came with human hair on the grille and headlights?
Have they considered an LS swap?
IDEA: buy one for yourself attach it whenever you park illegally and remove when you leave.
I’m just against unreasonably low speed limits, is all.
Wtf has happened to Jalopnik? Guy “mods” his car by making the factory bypass valve stay open to have the stock exhaust a bit louder and people are complaining that it’s not fair to the general public? Gimme a break people.