Can we please stop covering this shithead now?
Can we please stop covering this shithead now?
Brooks was just the right amount of unhinged maniac weirdo to play a calm reserved Captain with the fire of a thousand suns when necessary.
You must be fun at parties.
“Yeah...take that, Disney! Instead of buying your movies, I’ll buy your movies twice!”
Heh heh heh.
“Current Craig needs a million dollars to pay back Investor A. Paying back Investor B is a problem for Future Craig.”
this is a HOF comment
They suggested he get an MRI, he suggested they should fuck off, and then his arm suggested that Thor is not a doctor.
Did he say they sounded Swedish?
Man, he and Dini could not be more different. I met Dini at Dragon Con years ago..after the release of the BTas history. Got him to sign that and the Christmas Superman book he wrote and told him that ‘BTas was what inspired me to get my animation degree.’ you could tell he was genuinely touched by that.
somehow that’s worse than a “fuck you.”
I know you’re making a Dragon’s Lair reference, but why the stock Teddy Bridgewater pic?
I fucking love AOS and loved Agent Carter.
F*** you, sir.
The only other option is constitutional labor rights, is that what you are implying?
You can call yourself a liberal and be for fundamental labor rights *and* not believe that a union is the best way to achieve fundamental labor rights.
Melee has it’s fans and detractors, but it really, -really- has done wonders to birth countless memes about it, few which are flattering. I can’t -wait- for Nintendo to announce a remaster of 4, so that Melee fans can flood comment sections on video game websites and be upset with no irony that 4, not Melee is getting…
Waiting for people to come and say Punk is still the best in the world. :p
Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold!