
Fair, not every company learns from its legal mistakes. Where would lawyers be without repeat offenders?

Now playing

There’s nothing catchy or special about that video... I get it, Star Wars sounds are fun and easy to recognize. Look at the work of Pogo. this is taking the concept and actually caring about rhythm, timing and obscuring the source enough for new interpretation for your audible enjoyment.

*DABs as airhorns go off*

***Researches who this guy is***

I really get the impression this isn’t so much a trailer for the season, as much as the first episode, if not the first 20 minutes.

*receives pink slips*

This right there. If Flashpoint basically removes the bad movies from continuity then I 100% will support this. I would love to go see DC movies like I do MCU ones.

“Wonder Woman is now the first and only DC movie! Start from there!”

The dive after Altidore gets up and nudges him is what makes it art.

Jonah Muniz, Mabel Gondres, and Lorrie Pearson discuss their findings with local authorities.

This has to be in the running for least-significant story in Deadspin history. It’s well behind Minor League Bat Dog Bad At Job, for example, let alone any of the Friday Bear series.

2015/2016: Hollywood/Oscars so white!


I’m not here to say whether Torre is a bigot or not, Hernández may have a point in regards to white umps getting promoted. I do know that Hernández doesn’t get to work World Series games because he’s a fucking terrible umpire.

More like PlayerWellKnown. Amirite, guys? Guys?

After listening to 18 months of “Rogue One is going to suck because Gareth Edwards wants to make a gritty war movie and there is no way Disney lets him kill everyone off”, and then actually seeing Rogue One, I’m assigning this article “the hottest take” status.

That’s unfortunate... because if you’d asked me first, I would’ve said Dengar Zone.

On one hand it immediately makes me think of Archer.