
I know you’re making a Dragon’s Lair reference, but why the stock Teddy Bridgewater pic?

The only other option is constitutional labor rights, is that what you are implying?

You can call yourself a liberal and be for fundamental labor rights *and* not believe that a union is the best way to achieve fundamental labor rights.

Melee has it’s fans and detractors, but it really, -really- has done wonders to birth countless memes about it, few which are flattering. I can’t -wait- for Nintendo to announce a remaster of 4, so that Melee fans can flood comment sections on video game websites and be upset with no irony that 4, not Melee is getting

Waiting for people to come and say Punk is still the best in the world. :p

*DABs as airhorns go off*

***Researches who this guy is***

*receives pink slips*

The dive after Altidore gets up and nudges him is what makes it art.

Jonah Muniz, Mabel Gondres, and Lorrie Pearson discuss their findings with local authorities.

This has to be in the running for least-significant story in Deadspin history. It’s well behind Minor League Bat Dog Bad At Job, for example, let alone any of the Friday Bear series.

2015/2016: Hollywood/Oscars so white!


I’m not here to say whether Torre is a bigot or not, Hernández may have a point in regards to white umps getting promoted. I do know that Hernández doesn’t get to work World Series games because he’s a fucking terrible umpire.

More like PlayerWellKnown. Amirite, guys? Guys?

I’m still waiting for, “You do realize this is fake, right?”

*stamps WHO WATCHES THIS off Commentariat Bingo Card*

Even in mid diamond the trolling and throwing is bad. I was on a 6+ game losing streak because people kept trolling and throwing the games on purpose.