i prefer lewis black’s suggestions: hurricane JESUS CHRIST ON A CROTCH, and hurricane HOOOOOOLY FUCKING MOSES
i prefer lewis black’s suggestions: hurricane JESUS CHRIST ON A CROTCH, and hurricane HOOOOOOLY FUCKING MOSES
well...this is really dumb. sorry, but it is. it is. it just is.
they are. but here’s the thing (having been forced to follow this drama more closely than i’d like for the last 6 years). chris hansen came at sonics fans emotionally, as neil pointed out. “i’m one of you,” was the long and short of it. he got several key members of the local media in his back pocket early…
uhh...flagged as likely stalker?
i’m a lifelong mets fan, and david wright is my all-time favorite met (just ahead of gary carter). watching his slow, inexorable decline is painful on a level i can’t even describe. he could have been SO. GOOD. he was, for those few fleeting years before his body said “nah brah” and abandoned him. if he’d stayed…
gotta tell ya, it’s hard not to read this as insensitive at best. guy saved his cars. hooray. maybe he can sell them and donate the proceeds to people who’ve lost everything, including in some cases their loved ones.
this is incredibly dumb.
it’s rich suburban maryland, so the answer is lacrosse.
you. you get a star.
well no, you don’t play puyo puyo tetris in the boss fight. you play dr. robotnik’s mean bean machine.
recovering smash 4 TO here. i love the idea of 3 stocks as a player. as a TO, it’s a fucking nightmare from hell.
it will now. and then we’ll have an immediate follow up post complaining about it being taken down. both of which are beyond predictable.
this is why melee is not now, and never will be, taken as seriously as melee kids want it to be.
i’m here for the ice cream bars.
honestly? it should be rosie fucking o’donnell. i can’t even imagine the batshit crazy tweets that would come after that.
pokemon go is still a thing? i deleted it after 4 days. i just assumed the rest of the world did, too. whoops!
sounds amazing. looks totally unplayable.
i’ve tried to play overwatch, and i’ve tried to watch it. and i can’t shake the feeling that this game is both painfully boring and horrifyingly toxic.
couple problems here.
hmm...my initial reaction (and i’d bet $1 i’m right)...well, let’s ask my good friend senator vreenak.