
not for nothing, but you realize that even though you withheld his last name, by showing his picture, using his real first name and the name of his employer, you’ve identified him anyway right?

lead sentences like this are why i’m close to quitting kotaku.

honest question not meant to be antagonistic in any way—has there been any discussion of a sub-kinja for speedrunning, ala compete for esports? i only ask because it feels like speedrun content is increasing on kotaku all the time and some of us (me, and likely others) have no interest in it at all.

i’ll give you metroid. but they’re sure as hell using zelda and pokemon.

but but but i thought nintendo was the worst. did sony put PS3s on planes when they were going for $3k on ebay that first christmas? (i don’t know the answer but i’m guessing it’s “no”.)

as an occasional competitive smash player, the use of the term “god” to describe these people has always been unsettling to me. because you just knew it wouldn’t take very long for them to read their own press, and now we see what happens. these man-children won’t play if they don’t KNOW they can win. that’s not

first off—when it comes to pokemon, the pokemon company is generally the one taking issue with these things.

when i was a freshman at maryland, SVP gave a talk for anyone who was interested. it was at 3:30pm on the day of midnight madness, so a lot of people were already 9 beers deep and there were only a few dozen of us who showed up. but we hung on EVERY. DAMN. WORD. and when time was up and we still had questions, he

good. blatant, indefensible piracy should not be rewarded.

i liked him with SVP. by himself...he’s just a bro. we have enough bros saying things, thanks.

add dana o’neil. which SUCKS

you know, not for nothing, and hopefully this brightens your day even a little bit—but your “do re mi” number is among my top 5 favorite star trek scenes ever. and i have a lot of favorite star trek scenes.

and you’re 27 months late, so i don’t care.

i like overwatch and i LOVE breath of the wild...but it’s feeling like kotaku/compete is starting to forget that there are other games besides those two.

maybe not yet—but someone always will, because a truly terrifying percentage of american internet users have far less than a basic comprehension of the first amendment.

super star wars/empire/jedi. DOOOOO IT

see that little thing way off in the distance? as far as you can see, and then a little further?

i think this tells us all we need to know:

no, they really didn’t. the people you described were going to vote for him anyway. middle class white women got trump elected. the people clinton should have had in her pocket—and THOUGHT she had in her pocket.

a bright ass yellow corvette. what a trap.