welp. that’s another nail in the coffin of human civilization. once the next madea movie comes out, it’ll be time to pull a heaven’s gate and get the hell out of here.
welp. that’s another nail in the coffin of human civilization. once the next madea movie comes out, it’ll be time to pull a heaven’s gate and get the hell out of here.
jesus why the fuck is everything a mets joke? WE SUFFER ENOUGH WITHOUT YOUR HELP
gamecube all the way.
it is cool. it was violating IP law. so it got shut down. welcome to the world.
wow. i don’t know if i’ve ever seen someone miss the point quite so spectacularly as you just did.
...piss into their mouth?
one of the good ones, for sure. best of luck man!
a modest proposal to all of the gawker media writers:
stop ending headlines with “you guys”. it’s just...stop it. stop.
god, has there ever been a guy who better fits the description of “douchebag bro” better than this guy? i’m just talking about the aesthetics. if he told me he had a neurology degree, i would quite literally shit my pants.
and you don’t HAVE to be an asshole. but that’s the choice you made, and this is america so i will fight for your right to be an asshole.
what’s illogical about it? neither you nor are i are in her head. we don’t know what she’s feeling, we don’t know the nuances of the relationships she has with her family, friends and boyfriend—and with hyuga, for that matter. we aren’t able to/don’t have to relive the experience on a loop. so how can a person…
glad to see you passed Blaming the Victim 101 with an A+.
it didn’t happen to you, so y0u don’t have to understand it.
as much as i agree with the sentiment—as a competitive smash 4 player—melee still has a big enough player base to justify it. most of the big name smashers are melee players, though a lot do play both.
you wrote this story backwards.
it’s not nintendo, it’s the pokemon company.
the pokemon company has sued over much, much less.
my bullshit meter is going off. he’s oblivious, but not THAT oblivious to walk onto reddit with the username “martinshkreli” and sign it “martin”.
barry, i usually don’t disagree much with you.
he is now the only person who i wish was banned for life by MLB.