
i’ll tell you what. i think what he does is ridiculous, but i’m having a hard time staying mad at this guy.

because boring people flock together. otherwise they’d just fall off a cliff.

jesus christ, can you possibly wedge your head any further up his scandinavian ass?

ok hold on. “for all we know, he really was innocent”...you sound as if it would be a shock if he was innocent. why is that? are we at a point now where anyone—man or woman—accused of sexual assault is guilty (and horrible) until proven innocent, rather than the other way around? or is it because he’s an athlete, part

does anyone really think nintendo, the most image-conscious (often to a fault), family friendly gaming empire in the world would do something like this? a company that doesn’t even let us have in-game chat during online play because GOD FORBID someone exposes a 12-year-old mario kart player to their first cuss word?

oh and by the way, i don’t buy that “explanation” even a little bit.

the slur notwithstanding, his landlord and neighbors are 1000% in the right. they neither know, nor care, that his schtick is screaming like a fucking lunatic. all they know and care about is that THEY want to have some peace and quiet in their own homes, something for which they pay good money and to which they are

it’s cute how people think making an irrelevant point and putting ellipses at the end instead of a period somehow strengthens their position.



i hope to god you’re being facetious.

he’s talking about the voice work.

god that place is so creepy.

in my experience, the “professional” cosplayers tend to be bigger divas/assholes than the washed up actors and actresses who get paid to be at cons. while i certainly understand that very often the crowd is rude, inappropriate, hostile or downright sexual assault-y to cosplayers—especially women—i’ve seen more than my

hey bernie. don’t look (up) now, but your precious moral high ground ain’t yours anymore.

fairly often, actually. the paid DLC has actually been worthwhile so far, and i’m REALLY looking forward to the cloud city expansion. if there’s one thing you can’t fault about battlefront it’s the visuals, and i’m expecting the graphical elements of cloud city to blow me away.

tell that to the “writer” of this piece who said i’m not a true gamer because i don’t want a non-video game character in my video game.

considering the game sold millions upon millions of NES copies, that means there are several million of us who fall under your description.

why does everyone refuse to call it kuribo’s shoe? “green wind-up shoe”? nah.

umm...because i don’t care for an anime character in my video game franchise? right. goooooot it.