
yes. but it doesn’t mean you can ever unsee it.


i ask this on every story that features youtube people complaining about things: who in the holy hell cares?

well look at that. yet another gamexplain video embed. serious question—are you guys getting paid for this? or does he have something on you, or what? the only reason this video is tolerable is because that guy isn’t talking over it. most of them are completely unwatchable and yet, hardly a day goes by without kotaku

spoiler alert: when you find the 4th UFO and step inside, you turn into link from ocarina of time and collect the triforce.

you’d have to ask them. but my point about nintendo holds. nintendo doesn’t need a lick of help selling mario/party/kart games, or zelda games, or smash bros. games. those games quite literally (and i’m a guy who hates the bastardization of the word “literally”) sell themselves.

here’s the fatal flaw with that argument: nintendo doesn’t need free publicity for mario party games, just like microsoft doesn’t need it for halo, and sony doesn’t need it for god of war. those AAA first-party franchises sell themselves. you know how i know? gamestop is still getting $45 used for copies of mario

i want to know, right now, who the fuck actually cares what “youtubers” think? besides themselves, of course. if i want to see immature video game fans crying about whatever’s the latest thing that’s butthurting them now, i’ll spend 5 minutes at gamestop, or 5 minutes with any of my video game playing friends. i’d

I’m not suggesting Nintendo has to make sure everyone gets Ness, but something as simple as “Hey, sorry, we weren’t able to make enough—more are coming. Thanks!” That’d go a long way.

seriously. another free plug for the just-about-unwatchable gamexplain? fantastic.

let’s not and say we did.

of which the 14 year old in his mom's basement in suburban san francisco will never pay a dime.

i didn't say there was.

well i don't know what studies you're talking about...but how about this one?

not relevant. the issue here is not crime and crashes when comparing alcohol and marijuana, it's legal marijuana vs. lack of legal marijuana.

i would say the exact same thing.

nice try, but a pro-weed group's press release saying "there's less crime and fewer car accidents since weed was legalized" does not even a little bit mean that there is less crime and fewer car accidents BECAUSE weed was legalized.

he could call his distant cousin ted mcginley for legal advice...and then insert joke about jumping the shark, because i can't think of a decent one right now.

he is, for one thing, short.

quint kessenich is quite literally the smallest-yet-biggest douchebag i've ever met. i had to work with him for a while...my god, what a tool.