
i was at the aforementioned WM 27, which by all objective standards is near the bottom of the list, especially the convoluted and unsatisfying main event.

why is anyone surprised or outraged? he lifted saban's IP, so saban has a copyright claim. there may be a fair use claim there, but that's going to end up in court if he wants to push it that far. when are people going to realize that you can't just do anything you want with someone else's ideas/characters/whatever

not everything is an LOLMETS story.

and besides, those pocket schedules are already breaking the budget.

are 3D blu-ray players still a thing? i thought they went back to their home planet with flipcams and tracfones.

that bar is the WORST.

you'd have a real tough time proving a let's play is interactive in a court of law. it's a voice talking to you as they play a game. what interaction is there for the user?

that's cool. you're still not at a fraction of a percent of the cost it took the make the game. not by a long shot. nintendo spends more in one day on AAA game development than a youtuber will spend in a year.

please, oh please, do not compare a youtuber's "investment" to the amount of money it takes to make a AAA console video game in the 21st century. your $200 worth of cameras and other equipment plugged into a computer you (or your significant other, or your parents, or your siblings, or your roommate) probably already

that's a valid point. but again, nintendo is well within its rights to simply pursue copyright claims against anything using its IP—whether or not those claims succeed or not is irrelevant. instead, they're choosing to work with youtubers in some capacity for mutual benefit. if youtubers don't like the terms, they

see there's where the argument falls apart. this isn't an issue of greed. nintendo spends millions—sometimes tens or hundreds of millions—of dollars in man hours, physical resources, marketing and distribution just to bring a mario/zelda/smash level game to market. it's not greed for them to then want to reap the

reviews are a grey area, too, because if someone puts a review on youtube with 20 minutes of footage in it, amblin would argue that goes beyond the boundaries of the fair use provision, and they'd almost definitely be right.

if the jurassic park review includes footage from the movie, yes, amblin has a copyright claim, and would win if it ever made it to court. it would never get that far because amblin would tell youtube to take the video down, and youtube would comply instantly.

that...whatever that was he posted on tumblr...is all the reassurance i need to confidently say he is 100% lying about everything. maybe 101%. this dude needs serious counseling.

as they should. if it includes nintendo's IP, you shouldn't be allowed to make money off it in any way you choose. disney had to pay to get bowser in "wreck-it ralph", they didn't just get to put him in 'cause disney.

this whole thing is absurd. the fact that nintendo is offering youtubers anything at all for what

no one slips on ice like gaston, gets set on fire like gaston

Brothers Hiro and Tadashi from Big Hero 6 both study robotics and love video games. They've both been building various robots for the past several years.

you know what, boo frickin hoo. i am so over this crap.


wow. 2 wonderful works of absurdist, so-ridiculous-neither-could-possibly-be-real fiction landing on gawker media so far today. #FanficMondays