What "Anime" Means

The word anime is often defined as “animation from Japan.” If only it were that simple!

You religious by any chance ?

Well they did buy the Oculus Rift... so there's that.

Nerf NOW!! had another good one this week:

Don't worry friend,

So we can't have game with Buzz Aldrin, but it's OK to have one with Kim Kardashian?

Now playing

"Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human."

Manly Guys Doing Manly Things by Kelly Turnbull didn't update this week, so here's one from the archives. Published April 19, 2010. Read more of Manly Guys Doing Manly Things

I am a closed captioner. Much of modern captioning is done by voice- a trained individual will repeat what is said on TV in a very level, monotone voice that is easier for the software to recognize then the words that are actually broadcast. For unusual proper names like the ones you see above, you have to train the

Firefox would be an old geezer with a zimmer frame. He used to be an Olympic athlete back in the day.

Bullshit.Everyone knows Firefox is a lady

We're so used to the snow that we have to continually come up with more extreme ways to crash a car into snow just to keep things interesting.


I hope the owner decides just to pour cement around the front of the car and leave it there like a little sculpture.

Of the long line of implausible events that resulted in this, the first was that someone bought a Spark.