
Agree. On top of still having dirt, it should be noted just how much steeper Mt. Washington Auto Road is than Pikes Peak Highway. Pikes Peak has a maximum grade of 10.5% and an average of 6-7%. Mt Washington has an average of 12%, and a maximum of 22%, with several areas having a sustained 18%.

Silly as they might be, I really like watching them when new Pop-Tart and Lays flavors come out so I can get an idea of what to expect should I try them myself.

Whoops! Missed that part, my bad.

Assuming copies printed with E on the back get taken off shelves and no more are printed like that, you likely will on the second hand market.

The Redbull HareScramble is on Sunday morning at 5:30am EST on

Lots of stuff I’d like to watch, but it’s almost all on Fox Sports 2 and MavTV, two channels Comcast doesn’t carry....

I keep hearing that the servers are back to normal and stuff, but I still can’t access any of it, I just get a store telling me to log in and all the community pages (friend activity, etc..) tell me it couldn’t access the servers. Can someone give me a straight answer as to whether or not things are accessable again

I agree Steam sales have gotten boring, but I feel there’s some reasons behind this:

This is hilarious. I love it.

The price point is what has kept me from purchasing Siege or Battlefront so far. The most expensive MP focused game I have paid for is Red Orchestra 2, at $40, and I didn’t have to pay $30+ for DLC after the fact to get the whole game, and it contains a pseudo campaign (really just matches against bots that you play

So lets see, any car I want but potentially shit, pissed, and puked in/on, and possibly killed (totalled) every other year.

[Insert Obligatory “Shipception” joke here]

That is a lame joke and I love it! Good job sir!

I just feel the need to point out that men were hanged for witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trilas as well (You specifically wrote women).

What you say is true, but at the same time, having things too compacted can be just as bad as having things too spread out.

You say there wasn’t too big a difference, but between 3 and 4 there’s a 15 minute difference! When it comes to walking across a map, 15 minutes is pretty big. If we get another intermediate game, this time between 4 and 5, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the time shrink to 50 minutes at the rate things are going.

I also want to note, this is the first time I’ve ever had the chance to order a collector’s edition for any game.

I ordered a Pip-Boy Edition from Gamestop in June, last night (the 9th) I recieved an e-mail stating that shipping was delayed. I was given a $10 code for their site, and told I would recieve an e-mail when it shipped.

When any maintainance (beyond oil changes) you do is the bare minimum to make it pass inspection because you just don’t care about it.

I already used it to sleep. Soon I go to work. Then I come home, watch TV and go to bed again.