
I don't think he should be forced to take off the mural, but goddamn, Chris Brown has terrible, terrible taste.

The mark of a true racist like yourself is that you always feel the need to drag race into even the most unrelated of conversations.

I always looked at the brochures and flyers that came with the newspaper when I was a kid and couldn't believe all the "Father's Day" and "Mother's Day" gift ideas they advertised. $2,500 Big screen TV! The perfect gift for Father's Day! I thought we must have been the poorest people in the world if that's the kind of

I wasn't responding to this article or the Merida thing, but to the OP's question about feminists possibly having an issue with her being "old fashioned feminine" and liking homemaking etc.

True, it is not true of all or even most feminists. I meant the feminists I have a problem with, and this type certainly exists outside of Rush Limbaugh's caricaturization because I have met them and read their words (on this site as well). I guess they would be termed "Radfems".. Of course they won't come right out

Why do you only want to have conversations with people who you agree with?

True, it really doesn't describe all or even most feminists. It describes the certain kind of feminists that I have a problem with, and the kind of feminist that would scold the OP for wearing dresses, wanting to be a home maker, etc. Do you disagree that this represents the general attitude of a certain portion or

How is a man who is raped by a woman not weak? It is obvious he is weak.

People really need to stop doing the fight club joke. That shit is played out.


This is the feminist philosophy:

What the fuck is wrong with bus drivers lately? They always seem to be up to no good.

Holy shit, this is like the biggest non issue ever. I can barely tell the difference.

If they thought he was your boyfriend and you were the one chasing him than why would they do to help? Your complaint would make sense if they thought he was your boyfriend and HE was chasing you and they did nothing to help. As it is, they are just stupid for thinking he was your boyfriend and not a mugger in the

In what world is violence against women acceptable? Boys are taught the golden rule from a young age "You never hit a woman". It's instilled in us. Wife beaters are shamed and ostracized. It's a highly, highly stigmatized thing to beat women. You are living in an alternate universe if you live in a world where it's

It's natural to wonder why they wouldn't try to escape earlier, and then to examine possible causes such as Stockholm Syndrome. You act like the journalist saying that victims develop a degree of sympathy for their captors is an outrageous thing to say, but that's just called Stockholm Syndrome and it's medical fact.

1.) I'm guessing the people who described him as fun and charismatic didn't know about the naked girls on leashes thing.

It would have to be established that a person is a serious, habitual abuser before they got on that list, otherwise it would get cluttered with men and women who threw a plate in a fight, slapped their spouse once, etc and the cops would have no time at all to check up on them all.

Sorry, on what planet? Violence against women is taken much more seriously than male on male violence. Men are expected to suck it up, women are the delicate flowers that other men strive to protect. You've completely screwed up the cultural narrative.
