
-Italian hands- 

Problem is the dum dums actually released it. Those other games actually got the label of vaporware, it took so long to release them

Hope they learned their lesson. They got the money, don’t rush this shit.

I can’t name ten, but a recent example is Overwatch. It was a huge MMO project for yeeeears, reset multiple times until they found the FPS formula.
Final Fantasy XV was also done and redone a few times. It was a FFXIII spinoff, then rebuilt and so on.

This happens.
Doesn’t justify the launch issues, though. They fucked

lil nukies

Now that i played 117 hours of it, i get it why they put it in 1st person. Getting up close with characters you’re interacting with makes it more personal.

hahaha totally!

Hyperwar: Fallen Gods - Death evolved

Game creators need to buy some dictionaries, read a little more, expand their vocabularies.
The words “war”, “god”, “hyper”, “fall”, “warrior”, “death”, “evolved”, are so overused it’s absolutely ridiculous. I could give more examples but i’m tired right now.

Making different games that are not just pew pew shootin’ ma

What folks need to do is to pressure CDPR to fix it. Specially the Xbox One owners. Because if you refund it, and then they fix it, are you going to buy it again?? Or are you going to buy it for another system? It ends up with you depriving yourself of the experience.
And we’ve seen dramatically bugged or

It really is bad that it runs so poorly on PS4 and Xbox One. But it’s not broken. It’s just uglier. It’s the neighbor’s greener grass, you know?

It’s not unplayable like the PC version of Arkham Knight upon launch, for instance.

I’m on PC. 

I know i can edit. But god damn it i wrote REMEMBLE and owned myself. LMAO

Broken game? Has a lot of issues, but 20 hours in and none were game breaking. All fixable stuff. The Witcher 3 was also riddled with bugs and i don’t rememble people crying like this. 

People really need to dig up that BIG RIGS Gamespot video review so people can see what a really broken game looks like.

What a bunch

Is there a way to assuredly know that your game will for sure cause seizures before it’s released?

Expansion been out for 1 week, My mans: Terrible Expansion.

The ones that give me the most HARDCORE Warcraft feels are Ashenvale, Elwynn Forest and Hillsbrad/Alterac.

...Said the king of human knowledg e and reason.

Jumpstart is really fun because for starters it levels the playing field.
But if you draw packs that don’t match or are the inferior types, it can suck, specially if you’re not paying for gems to repick your packs

How hard is it for these PC parts companies to make new machinery to make edges smooth?
My fingers are always RAW when i finish building

PC building videos on youtube don’t warn you of how awkward it is to mount an AIO radiator and fans. I’ve done it twice and it was super goofy for me both times. Felt like i needed 3 sets of hands

Woah. What a shocker.