My mans badhras educating folk
My mans badhras educating folk
This dude has always been a COLOSSAL douchebag.
American dad is still running?
Today, on shit nobody is asking for:
Not to flame anyone, but seriously, as bad as overwatch is, the game deviated a lot from it’s original charm and stuff, i’m one of those who stopped playing some time ago.
But Valorant is the blandest most generic shit i’ve seen make it big in a long time.
I know a lot of gamers are into some games because the…
It’s high quality material, hand made, low quantities made and crazy intricately designed stuff.
It doesn’t match just any person, i would love to own a jacket or their pants. But my 5'7 potato shaped frame and nerdy ass face wouldn’t go with this cool ass shit, not in a million years.
But it’s still awesome as fuck
Geez, what a horrible way to go. Rest in peace, man.
hahaha i feel bad doing stuff to people in games. Like people who beat up hookers and run over folks in GTA 3 and beyond (on GTA1 it didn’t made me feel as bad haha)
Not lovable, ruthless, but not actually bad, though.
There’s some TOUGH decisions to make as renegade. Like the genophage shit, the fate of the Geth and Quarians
After i got my full-paragon boyscout ending, i tried.
I’ll second that. People warned classic players the nostalgia would wear off quickly. They sunk their heels in.
Um...i’ll be back in a few hours.
Crazy. But that prototype is so cool, though.
I’ve said it once and i’ll say it again. GI JOE is the perfect candidate for a good MMO. It’s a matter of a competent company taking on the license.
It’s got two clear factions, all types of classes to start, and then to expand the game later. It’s got vehicles, the possibility of exploring tons of travel.
LMAO i spat my water
Such ubermensch specimen
Yes yes, very scifi-y.
When will it get cheap and small? Will you still need a 16lb PC strapped to your back or wires and IR cameras going around your whole room to do it? Will batteries last long enough to sustain that immersion? These design issues are still there.
Listen, i’m not saying VR is lame or anything like…
TVs and VCRs have much more popular appeal and utility than VR headsets.
Even if they get smaller and less cumbersome. That’s an exaggerated comparison that doesn’t really stick.
TVs and VCRs got cheap really fast. VR requires not only the headset but a beefy computer or a ‘Pro’ console.
Anyway, i could be totally wrong…