
Now that the Tolkien Estate is being more generous with certain properties, maybe they could make games with characters from the First and Second ages, when Elves were cartoonishly powerful, just like videogame characters. 

I’m an Ajax fan, but that finish is why people love football. I’m also alright with it being Tottenham, it’s good to see new teams in the Final game. I’m glad Barça, Real and Juve aren’t nowhere near it.

I need one of these by corsair with all the media keys. Then i’ll shell out da monies

Only a person who hasn’t felt the impotence and heartbreak of seeing your team being robbed of glory could come up with a silly argument like he did.

This is what happens when you try to fight the literal AVATAR of Russia

Wish he’d pull shit like that in Latin america. He would be flayed alive

Ugh. What a fucking goombah.
Hope he gets trashed in the NFL. I wonder if all his black, future teammates are seeing this.

Deicide Huxtable will take down gods if she must

The series as a whole was a great showcase for modern animation tech in general.
Now we get to see how it influences future works

After watching Love/Death + Robots, i got the impression we’re close to leaving the uncanny valley of 3d animation. Episodes like ‘The Witness’ (which had the best realistic lighting i’ve ever seen in a 3d movie), ‘Aquilla’ had me really impressed with the human models too. And now Graphic engines are able to do pretty

Old japanese man exposes his prejudices publicly’

....whats new?

What’s my question is, what type of connection will this require?
I count myself lucky because my home connection is Fiber 240mb/s
But what about someone with the more common 15-30mb connections?
Will this work or will there be compression to compensate?
How are ISPs going to react to this colossal data rates?

Flat Irving Society is now in session

The man is a fucking embarrassment. Oof

I love this game. But ‘relaxing’ is a bit a of a stretch.
Because those fucking caves are SO treacherous. Holy shit.
When i lost a full tractor with trailer full of rare minerals (marie!!!) i was SO FUCKING mad and sad afterwards... =(

Put the life of a miner and astronaut in perspective to how absurdly stupid and simple

Sounds like pure Irsay, if you ask me.

Why because you want a good player like that to not be a dick. It’s not hard to understand, and on top of that, he hasn’t been playing up to his skill lately.

English is not my first language. I’ll misspell things every now and then. *shrug emoji*

I think he’s a great talent, it’s just too bad he’s an asshole, makes it harder to root for him. Specially because it’s not like he’s provoked. He just fires shots everywhere.

Oof, buddy. Maybe go back to school and get some reading compreheension courses?