i honestly never understood his show
i honestly never understood his show
Hah! It’s pretty close for sure. Although Reese was a bit more willing to move on I think.
I don’t think the argument is really about whether or not he should, but whether the show wants us to think about it. I thought it did, for a second or two when it showed the faces of the soldiers who were being cut down, but I read it as Siede reads it: sometimes the show starts to do it, then backs away entirely.
I like this show! But I’m coming at it as a very casual X-Men fan who knows the movies and some comics basics but isn’t going to recognize every comics reference.
There are a lot of characters I know way more from movies than from comics, but there are certain comics I love. I read a lot of Batman comics from about 1993 until around 1998, and have checked in periodically since then. I kept up with complete runs of Preacher and The Maxx. I’ve read a lot of Bendis’s Marvel stuff,…
I’ve never gotten that impression. Jesse does a good job at looking at the show as it’s own thing while also not ignoring its comic book roots. Which is difficult because it’s easy to let my comic book fandom do all the work that the show isn’t. They throw out the name of one of the Stepford Cuckoos or finally connect…
Comics Frank Castle isn’t a terribly interesting character so we lucked out in having showrunners and an actor who wanted to do more with the concept.
These days, there have been so many takes on the Punisher that it’s kind of a choose your own adventure of head cannon for writers and fans. The Punisher who just rains down bullets with a skull shirt isn’t really the character that Marvel put out, and is more of a function of how he’s viewed by main characters when…
I’m on episode 7 or so, it feels like a bloodier version of Person of Interest to me, and I’m fine with that.
Goodell’s entire career has been the result of people confusing correlation with causation.
I was friends with a guy for a while. Our common bond was our kids and sports - not an uncommon thing for friends formed in adulthood. Then I saw him posting racist things. I saw him posting anti-gay things. I saw him posting things were against my beliefs. And he is no longer my friend. If I had known all these…
If Aubrey has seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.
In TV medicine, bullets cause bleeding and removing them stops the bleeding. It’s not remotely accurate but it’s how things work on TV. Maybe on TV, bullets are made of heparin?
Also an excellent sitcom writer. The Good Place and (I think) Parks & Rec.
But what else could it be about? Hopefully a shit ton of greys can explain this complex issue to me.
I agree, but only up to a point. I think this is genuinely a creation by two artists. Obviously Lynch owns more of it, because he directs it and has final cut, but Frost shouldn’t always be dismissed as a traditional storyteller. His novels are plenty offbeat. Lynch chose to work with him; Frost wasn’t imposed on him…
He was obviously creating a flawless CGI simulation of events as he described them and is now passing them off as a real video.
Browns lose in even getting mentioned about who to laugh at.