I don’t want to click — what is it?
I don’t want to click — what is it?
TBF, I’d be all over that if I was the Pacers, but, yeah, it’s not too much to give up for George.
I don’t think the Knicks know they are allowed to trade *for* picks, and not just trade them away.
I think Ainge would have to play the heavy, which is hella funny remembering what a crybaby Ainge was as a player.
I mean, it was basically a handout, right? There’s now way his folks could have afforded the tuition /s
Is this some kind of viral marketing for A Cure for Wellness?
Unfortunately for this theory, his supporters are also the people who vote in Republican midterm primaries, so I don’t expect Congress to do much about him in 2018 unless something truly crazy happens.
I’m with you — I think there’s an outside shot he declares that he’s “fixed” everything, made America great again, etc. after the mid-terms and decides to retire.
I mean — taken by itself, that was one of the weirdest things a president has done in public in modern times.
Yeah, I mean, I guess I really do! I mean, lord knows that I’ve held petty grudges in my life, but I like to think I’d be more forgiving/thick-skinned if I was the one in the position of influence.
I was listening to the “What in the world is going on with the Knicks” episode of the TrueHoop podcast, and they went deep on how bad things are between Dolan and Oak — stuff about how security has hassled him before, how Knicks employs have been told not to leave him complementary tickets, how Oak has been frozen out…
It’s sorry it flaked out on you, just chill out for a minute.
Honestly, this whole thing has been terrible for conspiracy theories about GOP corporate interests secretly pulling the levers of power, because they don’t seem to love him and if they couldn’t prevent this ...
Florida says “fuck you” that you even have to think about this. Then New Jersey says “fuck you” to Florida for even being pissed off ...
I get that, but it’s not, you know, Berkeley.
I mean, Nixon had to leave because they caught him on tape.
That’s the thing that jumps out at me — this is in Utah.
I kind of think that’s what’s really going to be his undoing. I don’t think fatigue will lead to people tuning him out, I think people will just get exhausted with the sheer output of activity.