Have some sympathy — if you’re a serious, dedicated racist and sexist, your entertainment options must really suck.
Have some sympathy — if you’re a serious, dedicated racist and sexist, your entertainment options must really suck.
If the open market price for him is $50 million/a year, and he generates more than that in revenue for teams, it seems like he should make $50 million.
Not necessarily at all — the theory is that if each team can only afford one superstar, the top talent would be more spread out. You wouldn’t have super teams.
I think he means its dumb that Biz Biyambo is making 2/3 of what Lebron is making, when he is not 2/3 as good or 2/3 as valuable.
Maybe he was just Sleepy Floyd.
And, to Trump’s point? credit? — why should he listen to other politicians, career feds, the press, etc.? Doing whatever he wanted to do was widely criticized by those people and it *worked.*
Yeah, but it’s one thing to read something like that on Brietbart or Fox, and another for HamNo to write it on the Concourse with great moral outrage, where it’s just masturbatory echo chamber material.
Its because we’re dumb.
Right. People need to stop expecting logical or ethical things to happen.
It’s pretty clear his POV is unless he’s legally forced to do something he doesn’t want to do, why *should* he do it?
Yeah, that jumped out at me too. He might not be the first PG taken because of Fultz and Smith, but barring catastrophe, he was going to be a top 10 pick.
Tar pits?
How ... how did they last long enough in real estate to get a show ...?
I’m going Arsenal > Rams > Avs > Nuggets > Rapids.
You made a wise decision.
You know what’s amazing? The Kroenke’s own a pro sports team they’re even less interested in than the Rams.
These are like Leslie Knope headlines.
The Warriors blew a 3-1 lead?
They’re kind of a weirdly constructed team, IMO.
“You don’t like it when I give you a Wurther’s, you’re not a grandson anymore. Be a professional, that’s your job.”