Paul San Filippo

You don't have to smoke in order to get high from Cannabis.

So basically you're saying two wrongs don't make a right but twelve wrongs do.

That's where you take a little of the $600 you were given and buy a pair of underwear and a shirt.

It's also not entirely proven that he was poisoned. Might have just been choking on pie.

Or the cops could not break the law by demanding ID and then putting hand cuffs on a person who hadn't broken any laws. I'm so sick of "if you have nothing to hide" being brought up by people like you. That's not the way this country is supposed to be.

I was writing something much stupider but similar. Thanks for allowing me to feel like I share an opinion with someone much more smart.

Yes. This is good.

One of these days when you get off your high horse you might see how dumb your statement sounds.

Use stupid internet jargon much?

They made a replica of the Manhattan Bridge that looks identical to the Brooklyn Bridge somewhere in Wisconsin? That's crazy.

You know that his place in the lineup wouldn't have been left empty. Someone else would have been playing 3rd. While we are in make believe land, who's to say the replacement 3B doesn't have an even better series?

Yeah no fucking way you could even play in A ball. Those pitchers who "eat up winnings"(not sure if meant to be a joke or not) still throw the ball 85mph+.

Yeah, next thing you know they'll be claiming Jeff Beukeboom elbowed Thomas Vanek.

Now playing

Granted it's not the US but you can succeed in streaking.