
Hot take.

yeah I hate to be so pessimistic but modeling agencies will just have doctors who will write anyone a good health certificate on speed dial.

Filed to: Like the deserts miss the rain. lol

No, he’s not. There is a clear correlation of notes between the Vanilla Ice track and “Under Pressure” - if it isn’t a looped sample to begin with. The argument here is that the actual notes of “Blurred Lines” don’t match up with “Got to Give It Up” - versus something like George Harrison’s “My Sweet Lord” and The

No, they’re arguing that for one song to infringe on another it actually has to copy a sequence of notes or melody. It can’t just be “Hey, this Oasis song reminds me a little bit of a Beatles song”.

I can’t wait for the outpouring of outrage from conservatives who claim to be concerned about federal government overreach and jackbooted federal thugs.

It ignores the distinct differences in how they’d challenge the election results. Clinton never ruled out using the legal system to challenge potentially illegal results, and that’s totally fine! That’s why we have a legal system!

If enough faithless electors were able to turn the Presidency I would frankly expect at least one of them to die a violent death; a huge number of people would feel, JUSTIFIABLY, that their franchise was stolen from them.

If I’m correct, you admit to reading only three paragraphs of this and then, in response, write two. I will never understand

I used to have such a crush on Paul Bettany, until I realized if we got married my name would be Bethany Bettany. Jennifer can keep him..

I found the trailer really off-putting for this reason. It doesn’t seem like this was a movie written by people who were interested in portraying the culture of programming and mechanical computation as it actually existed for these women. Which would have been a more revolutionary thing to portray.

I live a mile away from what has to be the most incredible Cinemark theatre in the country. I told both my kids to never give that company money again. Is the company responsible for what happened? Hell no. Are they responsible for how they reacted to lawsuits from shell shocked and grieving families? You bet. It’s

Jon Stewart should do it. He has zero issues with critiquing her in an intelligent way. And then they can get drunk Uncle from SNL to do the "typical Trump" portion.

Which makes me wonder if gawker will be changing over to disqus like all the other Univision properties...

My black friend is gonna go wild when I tell him this!

I find it incredibly odd that someone who made a career on the opposite of sex appeal got implants.

Yowza. Is it hot in here or is it just...

Two blogs enter! One blog leaves!

A lot of allusions to performing painful sex acts sandwiched in between diatribes about respect and hierarchy. A sort of MacKinnon-Paglia pidgin, if you will.

I must be a raging misogynist because I’m not sure what he said that merited a leave of absence.