
Thanks for the thoughtful reply.

Interesting. Do you think that people with darker-than-caucasian skin tone from modern day Mali, Cuba, Eritrea, Columbia and Nigeria all feel that this “would have been a slave” shared property links them in some way that is deeper than anything else in their lives? Do you think that people of African descent but 3rd

We’re more old-school: we rent a room and we’re home (just down the hall) :)

And if you paid to be a guest? As AirBnB hosts, MrsTheFirst and I are somewhat aware of this delicate question 3-5 nights a week. To our guests: we assume you will, but we prefer not to know that you did.

I’m sick of hearing from BURPs (Black Usurping Racial Perfectionists) ... you know, the ones who insist that only a Black person can be black, and that no white person can ever truly understand what it means to be black. Or was that TERFs (Terrified of Everything Racially Fabulous)? Or SERPs (Still Educating Radical

It’s commonly accepted ...

The article cited both average AND median costs, to be fair.

OK, I think your position is rational, defensible and well argued. Interesting, too.

and from what i’ve read, most sommeliers fail in serious double blind tests.

More ability to discriminate between components of “taste” does not make anyone more able to identify what tastes good. This applies just as much to literature and film as it does to wine, it is just a little more obvious with wine (and other actual “taste” driven experiences).

I got caught up in a clusterf**k of a thread last week about the semantics of the word “better”, and I don’t want to repeat that.

What the fuck is everybody’s problem with the concept that they might not be as good at [this thing] as some other people?

Solution: do NOT watch the Amy Schumer show! Wait for the online clips, via Jezebel, of course.

From the Guardian comment thread just now:

You’re missing out that by virtue of the goal being stated, “how fast” is synonymous with “how well”. If we changed the goal, “how fast” maybe completely irrelevant. But the combination of the goal (“more speed, less time”) and the metric (“seconds on a non-relativistic clock”) make “how well” and “how fast”

I gave 3 examples consisting of a goal or purpose and a metric that could be used to assess whether or not a particular choice would/could lead to the goal being being met to a greater or lesser extent.

I was arguing in entirely good faith, confused by your continued insistence that I was simply wrong. Somehow, either there’s a terminology barrier causing problems or an attitude problem. From my perspective, I’ve repeatedly answered your questions, and I do not believe something that is clearly not true. We’ve been

I also managed to get through this exchange without insulting you or impugning your motives. You question my native language, hypothesize that I don’t know what a time trial is, and finally suggest that I am “Literally delusional or deliberately fucking with me”. Oh well, carry on.

I believe I’ve already answered that. You don’t.