Paul D

OMG so much yes on the Chiron. The whole Bugatti line, frankly. Completely pointless, ugly-ass cars.

“to be honest, the truck looks a lot like the T6 the rest of the world has had for quite a while now. And while it definitely looks good, I guess I was hoping for the triumphant return of the legendary Ranger to bring a unique look.”

The old Ranger didn’t look particularly unique. And... I mean... how unique can you

A girl I worked with about 20 years ago called my ‘87 Jetta a “black people’s car.” I still have literally no idea what the hell that meant or where the notion even comes from, but I don’t feel like she said it as a compliment and she very clumsily backpedaled after I asked for clarification. I didn’t hang out with

// the pragmatist in me wants to know “who on Earth is this for?” //

Me. It’s for me.

Shit on them all you want, but I happen to LOVE crossovers, and I like the Edge’s styling in particular. Simple, stout, and muscular, like an english bulldog. That’s my jam.

The idea of an Edge ST makes my nipples hard.

The Q3 is such a weird car. A dear friend of mine has one and he’s very proud of it, so I don’t mean to shit on the car too much. It’s a nice ride. But the first time I got into it I remember thinking “...this is a crossover/suv. Why am I LESS comfortable in here than in my wife’s Kia Forte?” The Q3 is WAY smaller on

“also, this a post from 2007”

As STIKleinWagon said, you want a little give, a little movement. Rigidity is actually a killer in a collision.

No, your Civic can’t do that.


Save your concern trolling, friend.

I’ve casually spoken to 2 former prosecutors and 2 cop friends and I’m reasonably confident I’d never see the inside of a cell, given similar circumstances. At worst I’d pay a misdemeanor fine of $500 and/or unsupervised probation (in my state, anyway). The driver could sue me, I


Fucking christ. I bet this taintbag asks rape victims what they were wearing too. What kind of fucking person watches a video of a car plowing into a pedestrian area and says “ehhh, they shouldn’t have been standing there”?? I’m having trouble deciding who’s the bigger asshole: the driver or the apologist.


You win.

Opinions! amirite?

Honda: We’re all about ‘coulda,’ not about ‘shoulda.’

“You seem to have an extremely narrow, cartoonish perception of capitalism...”

Kinda like your perception of socialism.

Handbrake on a Delorean is outboard too, but with none of that up/down business. It’s up, it’s on... and it’s DEFINITELY going up your ass if you don’t enter and exit carefully.

You betcha.


“How on Earth did Bevin happen?”

19% voter turnout.

Ministry for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters sounds better in Russian.