I think it is; here in the States we actually call the act of splitting a bill "going Dutch".
I think it is; here in the States we actually call the act of splitting a bill "going Dutch".
I've been kinda torn up over this lately. I'm a struggling grad student right now, but the guy I'm seeing has a real person job and makes real person money. So I honestly can't afford to cover the tab all the time. I try to make up for it by cooking for him, or by suggesting cheap dates, because I don't want to be…
The other possibility is that she didn't see it going anywhere and as a result wanted to cover the bill so she didn't feel like she was wasting both your time and money. The less interested I am in a guy, the more likely I am to insist on covering my half, at a minimum.
I was going to say something intelligent and put my MA to work, but instead I'd just like to say that this article is about 15 times better if you read it in Kristin Schaal's voice.
An orca is actually a mammal, so that'd totes be fine! No sharks, though, unless their job comes with a solid dental plan.
I edited my profile a few months ago, because I felt like it was a bit lame as was. "I'm an MA student, I like working with my hands," blah blah blah. I'd noted that a guy that I met on OKC posted less of a self-summary and more of a list of bullet points about stuff that he's done and enjoyed in the last year or…
I mean, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being the way you've described yourself. It just comes off as phrased a bit confrontationally. The first paragraph is good; the second might be better phrased as "I like a guy who isn't afraid to be wrong or to ask questions,", something like that. Basically, just find…
I mean, I didn't get access to "luxurious" health care back home. First of all, I grew up in a rural area without a lot of access to specialists, if I'd needed to see one. Second of all, neither of my parents were covered by their employers, so they were paying $250 a month out of pocket for health insurance that…
Having lived in both places, I can kind of attest to some mild annoyance (only mild, thank god, because I've luckily been pretty health). The Canadian system has definitely been better for me as a healthy young person, but having to wait 6 weeks for results from a pap smear, as opposed to 1-2, is vaguely shitty. I…
I guess my point is that it probably happened because my dad wasn't following the usual rom com tropes—-no grand gestures, no awkward pressure on my mom, etc. And it's probably also important to note that they're not what I'd call "passionately in love"—more that they've got a very stable, interpendant relationship…
I think when it does work it must be really, really rare. It's how my mom and dad got together, actually, but knowing my dad, I think it was less he was waiting around pining and more he was really into her, but also valued their friendship, gave her a lot of space, didn't make demands of her, and was generous…
One of my roommates is a dude and the other is a queer woman, and yet somehow I am the one who kills the spiders—-or, more often, I'm the one that traps them under bowls or cups and then shuttles them outside so they can parkour their way back inside. Now that I know I'm the man of the house, I think I'll start…
A good friend of mine got married recently, and I was so so so SO happy to contribute to their honeyfund instead of trying to find something on their register that felt personal enough. They registered through a service that lets you see what you're buying them on their honeymoon—so, things like vineyard tours in…
I got to sit in on a Supreme Court case once in undergrad. What I took away from this was that no one enjoys the swively chairs they get more than Justice Thomas, who mostly just swiveled around looking disdainful at the other Justices asking questions. He apparently does not approve of asking questions during oral…
I'm sorry to hear your skin is so frustrating. :( Mine is kind of similar. What seems to help me the most is the following:
We can only hope. I'd volunteer myself, but I'm just a straight-up phonetician, not a dialect coach by any stretch. (Sigh.)
I'm looking forward to it, but I'm sort of terrified Benedict Cumberbatch's American accent will be unbearable. I want him to do well, I DO, but it was distracting in "The Whistleblower".
My school dealt with the whole "what do you wear in different social situations" by actually talking to students about what you wear in different social situations. One of the units in my junior year English class was on job interviews, where we actually came in and did a job interview with a local businessperson our…
I get really frustrated with this, because there *is* actually a scientifically-literate subset of the anti-GMO crowd that makes some valid points about technology and agriculture, but they get drowned out, first by their scientifically-illiterate counterparts, and second by the detractors who address the concerns of…
You know, there are a lot of people who actually work in agriculture who are still skeptical of GMOs because of 1) the economic repercussions of selling IP-protected seed to farmers ever season, when it would be perhaps more financially prudent for them to save seeds; 2) the potential ramifications of cross-polination…