Cool thanks! This is unlikely (and I put it in a separate comment, so redundant as well), but do you know of a Unity game from, I dunno, five years ago in which you use magic and guns in a kind of Old-West / Old (uh?) Asia setting? It was turn-based on an isometric grid, and there were spiders and zombies and whatnot.…
Does anyone remember a Unity-based game from, I dunno, five years ago in which you use magic and guns in a kind of Old-West / Old (uh?) Asia setting? It was turn-based on an isometric grid, and there were spiders and zombies and whatnot. When I played it was in beta (or alpha maybe) and browser-playable.
I’d recommend checking out Qwirkle - it’s sorta like Scrabble but with shapes and colors — rows and columns of one-shape-different-colors or one-color-different-shapes, so that could fit the attention and focus question. Also you can skip the competition and just play to keep the pattern going, until he (maybe)…
...the game will become progressively more difficult — but so will the rewards.
There’s a great episode of Every Frame a Painting about Edgar Wright’s skill with visual comedy that makes ya really appreciate Hot Fuzz and the rest:
I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction.
For very different awkward transitional Luke-times, check out The Courtship of Princess Leia! For how bad the book is (it is VERY bad), it perhaps inadvertently nails the idea of Luke as a cocky Force convert who basically goes around saying “You know that’s bad for you right?” to anyone who’s not doing The Force his…
Half-Life 4 Life!!
A delightful history of the OUIJA board, including its dubious classification as a board game:
A delightful history of the OUIJA board, including its dubious classification as a board game:
Surely that's an Ikiru reference! Actually, Inuyashiki sounds like Ikiru made into a (cyborg) revenge fantasy, which sounds pretty dang entertaining.
Watch it Played is a really, really good board explanation channel, aimed at helping you decide if a game is good for you. It's also just a great model for how to craft a good explanation! Here's their video on Tokaido:
Hey, I live in Disappointment Town! It's really not so bad, once you get used to it. Honestly, after a while it's hard to think about living anywhere else.