Shut Up & Sit Down did a good and thorough review of the game; they like it but acknowledge its problematic aspects too:
And there are even more video-streaming services that libraries are getting into these days, so they may have hoopla and then some!
Another good example, I'm surprised to say, is LEGO Harry Potter and LoTR/Hobbit. The one-on-one wizard fights (and some crafting in Hobbit) include a "press X now" aspect, but what the "X" is changes each time and sometimes speeds up in how quick you have to react, meaning you're not removed from the established…
This may or may not do it for you, but take a look at Hive. It's pretty chess-like in a lot of ways, but the moves are a bit more animal-ish. Also fun! Apologies if it's old news to ya.
Look Who's Chess Now.
Hey thanks!
Is there any place (or tag) where all your Deals posts are collected? I really appreciate having these updated so regularly, but I rotate through io9, Kotaku, and LifeHacker since they have different-but-overlapping items featured.
Typo: It appears to be called "Minimum" rather than "Minimal", unless the name has changed since the video was produced. #corrections
OH MY GOD Toad Rider is just the worst part of that one Battletoads game WHYYYYY
Not for long, anyway.
THANK YOU — you're the first person to suggest that the signature might change through the song.
More wacky time signature fun: Blue Rondo a la Turk by The Dave Brubeck Quartet
The Dice Tower has lots of top 10s on various subjects (best co-ops, best themed games, etc.) as well as a handful of top 100s of all time.
Carcassonne and Samurai — I haven't played the iOS versions, but the originals are great and definitely lend themselves to passing an iPad around. Shut Up & Sit Down (when came Quentin) also really likes the Neuroshima Hex app.
I would love to see someone do an ad like this for Settlers of Catan or something. "Will you achieve... [guitar shredding] THE LONGEST ROAD???"
Missed a K-9 appearance!
This guy does it really well, too.
There's a part when you're walking up a hill toward a town/lab that has some kind of brainscrambling broadcast. At some point I realized that the colors had disappeared from the game (so subtly I didn't see it happening), and there are ghost monsters running at you — all this with an army behind me. I had no idea…