Patricia Hernandos

So, reddit are small fry, Platinum Games AND EA games hate us, beat that!

We're just a bit behind, usually when this stuff appears, it's all over Reddit on the first, we give it some cool off time, then when a few days pass, Kotaku Article Count +1 for me!

I will, and I'll bring more news back for Kotaku!

Hey guys, if you like, you should check out the website where I find all this cool stuff, it's called Reddit!

Now playing

Has anyone here seen this mod for Sonic Generations? It was released today and ports over most of the good things from Unleashed.

Sessle is one of the more sexist Games Journalist out there, and to make things worse he tries to hide this by attempting to attack other games to hide his own sexism! The most recent being God of War where he went crazy and went on a huge rant about the name of a Trophy! Trying to somehow force redeem himself from

I'd gladly replay this game again on my PC if some of these changes were patched into it!

Look at the text and the health bars of the secondary characters, it looks like it's being done by a Mega Drive!

Bad choice of word to use Render, but yeah, the issue is, these drawn graphics and placements are meant for 640x440 (the resolution of most PS2 games, NOT 640x480 as most believe, only very few games reached the max of 640x512 to), where as in these HD versions, they are corrected to be displayed properly and have

Love this gif.

But imagine the trippy colors on the OLED screen!

We made Peter Moore angry! Go Kotaku!

Yeah but look at the HUD and other drawn graphics, they are low res and look worse off because they are being stretched out, where as in the HD versions they are replaced and done properly.

I think you won't be playing the PS4 then. Don't worry Nintendo have you covered, you can play Wii games on your Wii U, can't upscale though, and you can't play GameCube games, and you won't be able to use your NES and SNES and N64 Cartridges with it.

If you played this on anything other than a PC then you missed out, the console versions had simplified menus and inventories to try and make things as basic as possible for console users whilst the PC version had full menus and customizable object windows.

Deus Ex > Mass Effect.

What a sexist thumbnail, only done so it would generate clicks for the video from sad men.

Amazing how many lines are recycled, THIS IS NEWS JOURNALISM PEOPLE!

She's an illusion, around 80% of the time you fight this woman and brutally murder her, it turns out it was another fake copy whilst the real one laughs at Kratos from afar.

So it's OK to kill well oiled sexualized muscle men in this universe, but it's not OK to kill an all powerful female goddess who controls armies? The fact here, the main bad guy of this game is a trio of women who have been manipulating Kratos so he doesn't discover the truth about what happened to his family and then