
I'm happy I don't own a car that has any....

You can't tell this apart from the much larger Sierra?

I think they think there is no market for the manual

Uh... guess it depends where you live. Where I live, citizens can file charges. In fact, sometimes they have to.

Uh... what? Private citizens do apply for charges.

In Maryland we would call this "unauthorized use". Not theft of a motor vehicle, but still a pretty serious thing to be charged with.

What about the drivers insurance info? Who cares about the dealer, their insurance company should be able to find the insurance for the employee that was driving their car, and if he doesn't have any that further charges should be filed against him for that (as opposed to "failing to provide insurance info" they

Your comment is confusing. I'm pretty sure those are GM headlights

They did and they do, and its very expensive for what it is.

If you don't want those things, you don't have to get them.

Sci fi lighting? yes please.

renting our a rec center to host friends and family, normal. Renting out a zoo? All I'm saying is, I know they get hounded, but I think if they wanted to they could go to a zoo and not be hounded. Papparzii aren't all knowing, all seeing, gods.

Like I said, I'm not super rich or super famous, but I feel somewhat confident that if I wanted to go to the zoo and not be bothered by the paparrazi, I could do it.

Is it really true the paparrazi would follow them? Granted I've never been super famous, but I definitly think if I was, and I wanted to find a way to be normal at the zoo... I could do it.

Wow. I mean, I get it. You're rich. Provide a good life for your child/children. But renting out a zoo? WTF. Kid will never, ever remember it anyway. Not at 2. What is the purpose of that as opposed to just taking them like any other family?

Nobody liked? C'mon. People liked it.


As a fan, I think I'm OK with this. I'm glad they didn't pay huge huge $$ to some already retired, highly successful QB. This is the first coach we've hired since Spurrier who I look at and say that there's at least a chance he could be the coach in 10 years. Shanny, no matter what, was never going to be the coach for

Yes, your analogy is weak. Period. A better analogy would be a college student who takes Aderol to stay awake and study and work much much harder than someone who didn't and was able to write a much better thesis.

the CVPI, while rear wheel drive, was a piece of shit. The new ones are better in many aspects.