I'm down with a computer, phone, ipod, headphones.... I'm not sure I understand the multiple notebooks that are always in these bags and the appearance of multiple iphone chargers.
I'm down with a computer, phone, ipod, headphones.... I'm not sure I understand the multiple notebooks that are always in these bags and the appearance of multiple iphone chargers.
Right! I mean, I kinda like the idea. But I feel like without a script it would just be like "so........ what are your new years resolutions?...."
I see this comment a lot, "but its HIGH QUALITY"... sure, fine. Maybe don't make the headline all about it being a "cheap ass".
Someone below (@RainyDayInterns) said "buy USED". Whew. yea no kidding. We got our first and only "big" flat screen TV as a wedding gift several years ago and haven't looked back. (We recently bought a much smaller flat screen for a bedroom).
I don't think we're going to see eye to eye on this. Its not a charity. Its a business, and some of them are extremely lucrative.
If she "had to"? what does that even mean? When do you "have to" hurl yourself down multiple rows at a sporting event?
are jump seats legal anymore?
Well what would you say to someone who buys way too many clothes that don't wear who said "well at least I'm supporting the makers."
Boo.... no used games with download only.
I assume this is a joke, because this is a horrible way to look at it.
And.... this is why they have sales. People see 50% off and think "I'd be crazy NOT to buy this" and they end up buying things (games in this case) that they may not have bought otherwise and may never use.
gee, I wonder why tickets weren't selling....
YEA, celebrities very rarely get divorced!
Like her, like the show, no chance this marriage lasts. None. Dating for six months? Hello divorce in less than one year.
My coworker has been researching Cross Fit gyms in the area for the last month and is astounded by their prices. Numerous times I've said to her, "look, you're gonna be at beginner type levels anyway for several months (she hasn't worked out in a long time). Why don't you join a gym for $20 a month. You can do many of…
Yea! Luckily we all have livelihoods that depend on nothing, and no one, but ourselves right?
Uh what. "The only reason people watch his videos is they're free." Maybe one time, but people who keep returning are watching because they are entertained. you could say the same about broadcast television. Plenty of other alternatives, and yet people still watch by the millions. AND ITS FREE. Same for radio.…
Well, I disagree with that. But for some of these it seems it would be wise to try and identify what the copyrighted material is (likely music) and mute it or replace it.
So........ doesn't this happen all the time?
Love a good mascot. Number one thing the Washington football team should consider when/if they change their name.