I disagree. This is prime time to start a local Tween Hunger Games Survival Club. Local meeting place: Death Marsh. DUH
I disagree. This is prime time to start a local Tween Hunger Games Survival Club. Local meeting place: Death Marsh. DUH
Bob’s Burgers did it first.
Wait, am I to take it that I am talking on a land line in this scenario?
I only need one, if you could replace the WH cabinet with characters from Star Trek Next Gen who goes where?
I dig it.
Here’s an astonishing concept; if you really want people to accept a wider range of body shapes, skin tones, and backgrounds as beautiful, just make more “beautiful” characters that look like something other than skinny and fair skinned. Everyone outside of the skinny princess motif shouldn’t require extra story arcs…
I always refuse a breathalyzer when I haven’t been drinking.
I came here and didn’t see color.
I even have an appropriate jpeg.
I LOVE that this guy is tooting his own horn over less than 50%. He does understand that other presidents have had higher, rights? (J/K, he has no sense of history). I mean, he should just go full dictator and claim that 101% love him.
I wish they had announced this on Cinco de Cuatro!!! I miss them. Also S4 grows on you - I hope they don’t abandon the wall storyline just because of Trump.
America doesn’t deserve a sweetheart right now.
Ever see them in the same place at the same time? Both orange. Both fixated on food (be it lasagna or the most wonderful chocolate cake you’ve ever seen), extremely moody, hate exercise and Mondays, often found standing in or near sand (the litter box or golf course variety) ...
To be fair, the way we interact with children has progressed as society’s understanding of child development has evolved.
But tantrum/meltdown/lava-flow/younameit, this is not how one treats a child, neither then nor now. Echoing ThirdAmendmentMan: that child could have easily injured her head, arm, shoulder—dear lord,…
I don’t know old you are but there are typically protocols for this these days. Dragging a child down the hall way is not one of them. This ain’t the 80s anymore.
Dragging someone like that can cause serious damage to their arm and shoulder. That right there is child abuse. There’s a reason a fellow teacher took the picture, immediately reported the incident, and the school immediately fired her.
No, because that is a delightful movie, not a dumb movie.
Yesterday while I was getting my tires rotated, Fox News was on and they commentator was going on and on about how 5% of Americans use 50% of health care dollars and why should some healthy 25 year old pay for that? Well Dick, maybe because one day that health 25 year old will be a 57 year old with cancer who’s…