
Few things here, if you don’t want people to think you are racist, don’t were a MAGA hat. If you think, oh, that could be my son, you need to raise your children to be better people. And lets not forget, this whole thing happened because a Catholic high school decided to take a bus full of teenage boys to a protest

And when they panic and offer you some half-assed raise or bonus to stay? DON’T TAKE IT. Whatever they offer you will be less than you’re owed, and will just reset the clock on this whole mess.

Move on.

Unless you want to fight for everything you get for the rest of your career, get out of there. Once you find another position, 2 weeks notice is plenty for them.

Find another job that pays you what you’re worth, then give them two weeks notice. Your comment is a good starting place for the narrative you’ll be using in your interviews. (Not the shitty bits, the parts talking about how awesome you are.)

It doesn’t really seem to me like his preference for a certain type of jewelry is indicative of his commitment to feminism. Like maybe he also feels that clothing should compliment someone’s body and not be used to adverstise a brand. Also, I don’t think that his different taste in jewelry from what you prefer is

“The fact that men, myself included, are determining how women may choose to manage their reproductive health is a sad irony not lost on the Court...”

LOVE that the judge put in the opinion that the state’s concern trolling about women’s health was “pure gaslighting.” How wonderful. Thank you Judge Reeves for calling a spade a spade.

Miller was in her life for much longer than Davidson, Miller was there for her through the horror of the bombing and the concert after it....not to mention what I’m sure she went through trying to help him cope with his addiction. I suspect, like a lot of people, she didn’t break up with him because she didn’t love


Especially in this highly charged atmosphere. A post like this is guaranteed to result in threats. This took guts. 

I was an adult woman and an adult man took me to a Buffalo Wild Wings located inside a movie theater on our first date, but we weren’t going to a movie. This was 2008-ish, so early enough that most people did not have smart phones and therefore didn’t necessarily have a camera in their pocket. After the server takes

I love these multiple-voice reviews. Excellent idea.

Good evening everyone! Fun in the craft aisle tonight.

Great. Spring rolls around and I get a call from Taylor.

Roughly around the start of Grade 7, my prior group of girlfriends formed a hive mind and baby me was no longer welcome. Making the best of it, I made some new friends, including the boy who’d just moved to my town. New group and I have an okay time, lots of laughs, and new boy Taylor is funny. Great. Spring rolls


Nobody decided it was a baby picture of Lisa and that Maggie wears her hand-me-downs?

I feel like this post really buried the lead, which is HOW GOOD THE ORIGINAL WITCHES IS. I remember Anjelica Huston equally awe-inspiring and terrifying my little second grade goth lesbian brain, and also that I loved this movie specifically cause the only male character was a mouse.