
Me too! (The thick hair, not the head shaving. Not that my mom wouldn't have been on board if she'd thought of it.) My mom made me get a mushroom cut when I was younger. I hated the look, but I did love running my hand along the back of my neck after it was cut razor-short.

I don't know if this will be helpful, but there was a great television show called "Being Erica" and the main character had to deal with exactly this. Her sister was married to this awful man, and it caused all kinds of tension in the family. The premise of the show is that Erica gets to travel back in time and

Full disclosure: most days I just use a bit of mousse to keep the curls/waves together as it dries, but on days I want guaranteed good hair, I cheat a little with my blowdryer. I wait until my hair is in that great-looking stage ("damp dry" for me) and then put my blowdryer on low and gently "set" my hair in that

You had me at your first line.

Ironically, that's the haircut I just got (though I asked for my hair to be longer - like, below my collarbone). I was surprised when I looked in the mirror at the end, but you're right: it's totally awesome to just let it air dry and go!

I really needed something like this today.


I like her and her last concert was one of the best I've ever seen. She was funny, engaging, and HOLY SMOKES a great singer. She seems like the type of person who just owns her own shit, you know? I respect that.

Don't worry about what you should or shouldn't know. I dated lots of people during the five years between one serious relationship ending and my current serious partner, and I never really felt like I got the hang of it until I met the person I'm with now (oh the irony of 'figuring it all out' just as you leave the

"Life" is pretty good, though it only lasted 2 seasons. West Wing is another great one. The WW seasons are loooooong - like, 22-24 episodes - so if you're into the show, it'll give you lots to watch. I also like X-Files, Ugly Betty, Gossip Girl (hey, not everything I watch is award winning material).

I'm so sorry to hear what happened to you. I hope you've had help and support since you've graduated.

Humber is (I'm very happy to say) taking this very seriously. Here is part of the email sent out to all Humber students:

My Lisa Frank backpack was the single best thing about first grade. I loved it so much that I used to hold it on my lap on the school bus, just so I could look at it. It had rainbows! Tiger stripes! Leopard spots! a UNICORN!

In my perfect world, Anna Kendrick and Josh Groban are friends and write really funny tweets together.

Come on, Lisa Frank! You can do it!

But everyone said, "Rover, he looks just like ewe!"

I read the Belgariad (a series of 5 fantasy books by David Eddings) every two or three years. I read them for the first time and like to catch up with all my favourite characters every couple of years.

It is expensive, yes. But I've had a pair of pants from Lululemon for...7(!) years now. Still holding their shape, still not pilling. They cost $90 but since I haven't replaced them yet, they were definitely worth it for me.


I liked Butter! I love Jennifer Garner and thought Rob Corddry was great. But those scenes with Hugh Jackman...yikes. I like him as an actor, but that role was yuck inducing.