
Yeah, let’s hope! And I mean, she only beat a 60 minutes rerun in a specific demo, in overall viewers it trounced her - AGAIN. Her Putin interview lost to a 60 minutes rerun, as well. It couldn’t have happened to better people. I hope she gets shit-canned ASAP. If I didn’t love the Hayes/Maddow/O’Donnell weekly

You mean we might actually get her outta here if this ratings trend continues?

But as with all things *Automotive once it hit 100,000 miles things started to go very wrong with it.

I don’t understand why Jalopnik runs occasional posts like this one with no headline.

This is either finely tuned sarcasm, or extremely potent ignorance.

Way to exclude those without fingers from flying, TSA.

Sounds like those customers need some Escala-aid.

Come on now. You lost me on number 1. You are my service advisor. You are my point of contact to fix the problem. I’m not talking to the truck I’m talking to you. Really... you tell me there is nothing you can do if the tech screws up the fix? Bullsquirt. I’m relying on you to manage the process. I’ve had good and bad

As someone who paints and replaces bumpers, this is exactly what I think.

If a Honda accord is worth more to someone than a 993, said person is probably on drugs. This is coming from someone who has owned an 05 Accord v6 six speed manual.

Of course, the real reason that the Supra won’t be restored is because it will be using a highly proprietary and hopelessly outdated (in 2067) hybrid drive system that won’t have any replacement parts available, nor the replacement computer components needed to make it run. Not because it doesn’t have a stick, but

All those Souls!


There is an AMAZING amount of sensory capability both above and below the water around these carrier groups. You aren’t getting within 25 miles without being identified and challenged, then a whole other set of defensive weaponry from escorting vessels takes care of the problem. And if you were lucky enough to somehow

The US occupiers has a poor track record

At least until the military swarms out of the myriad of tunnels rumored to be under the DMZ.

The town should be glad she doesn’t drive THIS hearse !

Or you shouldn’t be doing it in a Corvette. Giggity.

The third is on it’s way towards the other 2 and one of those 2 is scheduled to head back home soon.

I alluded to this in my response, the article also talks about it. The Nimitz is heading in to replace the Vinson.