
You forgot to include an apology for offending Brits with something.

6 wheels make this Defender Defenderyer

BEEP BEEP I’m an autonomous Jeep!

Will it blend?

thats rasis

In the age of internet someone asked how to sell a car?

What about your PT Cruiser? Who and/or how did you unload that one?

In Russia laws are only for the potato growing Lada driving peasants.

It will all be caused by one Mustang who was granny shifting, not double-clutching like he should have.

$80k for a kit car dune buggy? Who the fuck are they marketing this to?

Another day another Tesla article. Well it’s one way to keep a ponzi company in a positive light.

We know it’s legit because it’s recorded vertically, the true sign of any legit moron.

Wait, two Jims? That’s impossible!

Why not just one big tank?

Damn I honestly though you were gonna get COTD with that!

But what DOES the button with a swastika on it do? Has ANYONE ever tried?

... your Peel out was pretty weak.

That is what makes the reasonable price if there is in fact no rust or rot attractive. You already know it doesn’t drive, so you cant make it drive even worse.

Put a V6 in it. They fit. Even up through 2008 they fit if you are will to do a mountain of wiring work (97 fits faster and easier)

Given the number of wrenching nightmare stories this car could (will) generate, I absolutely think you should buy it.

This is a classic case of “oh shit! I thought it was just the clutch, but the whole thing is borked!”