
Good call by Stanley.

I recall reading, possibly in the excellent The Wizards of Armageddon, that one American general involved in the discussions about preemptively attacking China's nascent nuclear weapons program stated that the idea of a preemptive strike was "un-American."
Where's that guy been lately?!

When I was a kid, I spent a few years at a private Baptist school. I remember specifically one day a kid came in crying because his dog died that morning. When he asked our teacher (we were in 5th grade I think) if his dog was in heaven she very kindly told him his animals had no souls and wouldn't be in heaven. Who

Well, at some point the Church is going to have to address the issues that our understanding of neurology, consciousness, and evolution are going to bring up. Do we have some sort of special non-physical, non-detectable soul that pops out of us when we die and was specially put in there by God? And if so, what

Don't forget that they have an ex-KGB officer as president/prime-minister/glorious commiecapitalist leader of his own world wallet.

Mostly because the best Teen Titans show—yep, Young Justice—has already been made. And then canceled.

Next Greenpeace stunt: Lighting fires in the shape of their logo on top of endangered coral reefs.

Not only that, but shit like this makes it far easier for climate change deniers to distract us from important discussions.

Yeah, fuck all those people you want to make the world a better place to live! Everybody should be as miserable as you are!

My youngest is keenly aware of what's a "girl's" toy and a "boy's" toy, but I'm pretty proud of him for deciding he doesn't give a damn: he likes Easy Bake Ovens and My Little Pony in addition to liking toys marketed to his gender. He even likes those awful Tinker Bell movies and Frozen.

I have a baby on the way and my wife and I decide to go gender neutral. At first we did a lot of research on how to do it because no matter how easy it sounded we could not for the life of us figure out how to go neutral. We hope by treating our child less as a gender and more as a person we can let him/her grow up

Oldie but goody

Why is it forced? I hear this argument for why women and POC shouldn't be cast in things all the time and it never makes any sense to me. Just because the media presents white men as the default human doesn't mean that they are. Women aren't some sort of weird anomaly, we're half the population. If Doctors can

Some things need to be forced.

This sounds a bit like something out of the third book of A Canticle for Leibowitz.