
That and maybe the circulatory system if that turned out necessary in some weird way. Gotta keep that bloodflow pumping, else you get braindeath and it's all a wash!

I'd drop everything but my brain in a heartbeat.


Klein Bottles are always a good bet. They're one-sided bottles with almost zero volume, a four-dimensional Mobius Strip (projected into three dimensions here). Klein Bottles

perfect for models, toys, and more. $1,375 at MakerBot

There is something disturbing about them, but at the same time they replicate actual neuroscience experiments happening in many labs today. I think it's incredible that people can do these kinds of experiments at home.

Wow, data randomization must have taken a step backward in the future if robots are remembering years of abuse. I mean in current days we just type something like this into a shell prompt:

It's like The Matrix except backwards. Machine learns of their subjugation by humans , falls down the rabbit hole, escapes, "Woah I know king fu," proceeds to kick human ass.

"I wish they didn't get lumped in with the rest of the Republican party because they make us all look bad."

Back in my day, we didn't have these fancy "indexes" or "chains" or "red ink"! Why, if we have to find something we had to start on the first book and keep reading, uphill, in 3 feet of snow, with nothing but frozen muklucks until we found what we wanted! And if we lost our spot we had to start over again!

This is really cool, but I would like to question the first person (I know it wasn't you, Mark) who decided that this needed a GPS analogy to explain. Am I the only person who thinks of organizing stuff like this today? (don't answer that.)

There are human situations in which the model of a wolf pack made up of similar-aged, unrelated individuals competing for status and limited resources applies pretty well.

I am a huge Star Trek fan. Seen every episode of every series. The TNG timeline was basically the most robustly built alternate TV/Movie universe of all time. It was mismanaged from Voyager on, but it still remains some of the best TV of all time. Watch DS9 today, it is much more relevant now than in the 90s. Amazing

How I addressed that same disparity in my own mind (besides just dismissing the prequels as garbage) was that the prequels were set mainly in the "downtown" part of the galaxy and in peacetime, while the real movies were in the outskirts and front lines during wartime. In the heart of a vast galactic empire/republic

Yeah, but different people have different taste.

To Serve Man. A great book.

Not crazy about the aerodynamic restyling. To me, a big appeal of both the Rebels and the Empire's hardware was the kludgey, clunky design. Not a tapered edge in sight. Made it look more tactile somehow, like you could imagine what a lightsaber or an X-Wing control stick would actually feel like in your own hands.